Chapter 13: Beach (Part 1)

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A/N WARNING: this may be a very long chapter

Gilbert's POV

I hurriedly got ready for school, it had only been a few hours, but I couldn't wait to see Anne again. I grabbed my piece of toast, said goodbye to Bash. When I walked into the classroom, there was no one there apart from Anne, fiddling with her slate. "Ah! She is handling the most dangerous weapon of all! I must hide and take cover! Please, milady, have mercy on me!" I ran underneath the table staring at Anne. She laughed, then ordered, "Get out of there you goofball, I've got a slate and I'm not  afraid to use it. I crawled out pretending to be terrified, biting my nails. She laughed some more, ruffled my hair, then went to her seat. As she turned her back, I grabbed her hips and flew her on top of a table. "You can't escape me that easily!" I sneered. "Gilbert Blythe! You know I hate it when you do that!"she said choosing her arms while standing up.

"Anne Shirley Cuthbert! You know I love it when I do that." She rolled her eyes, then out of the blue, she fell off the table. I grabbed her in my arms, and boy, talk about timing.

The door of the classroom swung open and the whole of the class was outside, gawping at us. "Billy Andrews, before you say anything, me and Gilbert are just friends!"

After that outburst from Anne, nobody dared snigger. Anne turned my way, "Umm, Gil?"

"Yeah?" I replied still in a daze.

"You could put me down now."

"Are you absolutely sure you don't want to stay?" I smirked

"Just put me down, Gil"

I settled her on the floor, when I realised that she called me Gil. It seemed so fitting, I kinda liked it.

Anne's POV

I walked to my seat, and perched next to Diana. She raised her eyebrow and said, "Four questions: Since when have you been sitting in Gilbert's arms, since when did you call Gilbert 'Gil' and how long have you been courting and when exactly were you planning on telling me?"

"What?! Me and Gilbert are not courting!"

"Then when are you and Gilbert going to stop being so oblivious and admit your feelings for one another!" Diana shouted. I stole a glance at Gilbert, then quickly looked away. Our faces blushed red. I glared at Diana, then Ms Stacy came in with a surprise. She ran in, her face flushed and jolly, "Good morning, my wonderful students! I do have a most enchanting surprise for you all on this hot Summers day. As it's the last term, I have asked all your parents if it would be agreeable if we could all go to the local beach. I'm filled with joy to say they all gave me their consent! So come on, we're all walking to the beach, so I want you to walk in pairs. Let's see, walking partners are: Billy and Josie, Moody and Ruby, Charlie and Diana, Jack and Tilly, Finley and Jane which leaves-" Gilbert had already swooped next to me, and winked. I smiled at him and we both ran out of the door and towards the beach. We walked and talked and laughed. I could feel Ruby staring enviously at us. I decided to ignore it, me and Gilbert were just friends, there was nothing to be envious about.

Gilbert's POV

I loved being with Anne, she always managed to put a smile on my face. I simply couldn't wait I was going to be so much fun with her. I noticed that Anne's feet were getting a bit sore, so I told her to close her eyes, and I pulled her on my back.

"Don't worry, milady! Your dragon slayer is here to give you a piggy back!" I declared. I whirled her around in the air, swirling through the fields as she whooped and cheered. I soon got back to walking as she wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my back. I was loving every minute of it, soaking in Anne's warmness in my back. Then, all of a sudden, she whispered, "You are the best dragon slayer I could ask for."

My heart soared and I said, "You are the best princess warrior I could ask for." She giggled lightly, then saw the beach. Oh how her whole face lit up at just one glance at the waves. She clasped my hand and tugged me down the steps. I wriggled my toes in the sand as fine as powder. Anne's hand was still in mine as we stared at the sky kissing the horizon. Soon, all the other kids had caught up and nudged and sniggered. Ms Stacy grabbed our intention with a rubber ball. We all played football, and we had to pick teams. Billy was picked as one leader, and I was the other. Billy said to Anne as soon as Ms Stacy was out of earshot, "You're going to get picked last mutt, just wait and see." My body bubbled with anger, but I had to contain myself. I wanted to have a good day, and Billy wasn't going to ruin it. I had to pick first. I ignored Charlie's subtle movements, trying to signal to pick him but stared at instead a red head , drawing with her toe in the sand. I grinned, then said, "Anne." She looked up at me, squealed, then ran up to me as she hugged me tight, and I swirled her round and round before setting her back on the sand. 

Anne's POV

I was overjoyed. For once somebody wanted  me, in the orphanage, I was always picked last for everything. Gilbert gave me a comforting hug, squeezed my hand three times then continued with the selection process. I was magnificently elated. I sat on the ground and stared out to sea as the teams started to form.

Billy's Team:






Gilbert's Team






Ms Stacy was the referee, and the game was afoot! Me and Gilbert obliterated all competition. Poor Ruby, she tried to kick the ball and fell backwards, spraining her ankle. I'm lucky that I played in the orphanage, otherwise I wouldn't have had a clue! Me and Gilbert just knew where each other were going to be and how we thought. We scored goal after goal. We ended up beating Billy's Team 7 - 2. Gilbert was astonished, and exhilarated to say the least. He grabbed me, sat me on his shoulders and ran around the beach, as I squealed and ruffled his hair playfully. Ms Stacy commended us on our superb football skills. She allowed everyone to be free from 1 - 5, as long as we stayed within her sight and we don't go in the sea.

Diana wanted to spend some time with me, and Charlie with Gilbert, so we agreed to meet each other at 3 O'Clock. Diana swept me aside as soon as I said goodbye to Gilbert. 

Diana's POV

I was certain now, Gilbert and Anne were courting. I mean, they held hands, Gilbert gave her a piggy ride twice, she kissed his hair, he kissed her hands! I was so very infuriated that Anne didn't tell me. Before I could let all my anger out, Josie, Tilly and Ruby approached Anne, tapped her on the back, then all folded there arms. 

"Anne. We need a word."

"Sure," replied Anne, then sarcastically added, "I've got plenty of them, which one?" (A/N 😎😎😎) I burst out laughing, then immediately stopped after a cold look from Josie Pye.

"Anne, we would like to talk with you." Josie said coolly, she peered her head and looked at me, "In private." I soon got the message, held my head high and walked off to find Gilbert, I was sure, this concerned him. 

I soon found him messing around with Charlie and Moody. I asked if I could have a word with him, and he obliged. 

"Whatever is the matter Diana?" Gilbert asked, his eyebrows doing that thing that Anne always jokes about.

I cleared my throat before stating, "I'm pretty sure Anne is in trouble with the girls, and I'm pretty sure it's because of you." Gilbert's eyes raised, and shouted what are we waiting for?! (An I Cba to put speech marks in leave me alone.)

I ran after him, which was horribly unladylike but so wonderfully thrilling. We hid behind the rocks and watched it all unfold. 

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