Chapter 16: Newspaper

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Anne's POV

It's been the weekend, and Marilla had finally allowed me to go to school on Monday, with help from Gilbert of course. No matter how much that boy annoys me, I do admire his way with words. We are certainly kindred spirits. Marilla became rather fed up from my excessive pleading and gave in, on the one condition that Gilbert stays with me the whole time. I hugged Gilbert, squealing with delight. He chuckled and hugged me back, whirling me in the air. 

I hurriedly went to school, with Gilbert of course, it was rather annoying, Marilla doesn't think I am capable of doing anything after what happened. We talked about anything and everything, books, the beach, pens, work and we were both rather surprised by how quickly we got to school. I explained to Ms Stacy that Marilla ordered me to be next to Gilbert for the rest of the week, and she agreed. Charlie was more than happy to sit next to Diana, so there wasn't really a problem. Everyone welcomed us back, saying that they were worried sick when they couldn't find us. I just said that I felt sick, so Gilbert escorted me home straight away. Well, technically it wasn't a lie. 

Then two men burst in, wanting a word with Ms Stacy. They conferred in whispers, until finally Ms Stacy sighed and told me and Gilbert that the men wanted to do an article about us. We followed them into the second classroom, I was rather intimidated by them. He took my hand, and gave it three squeezes. I smiled, Gilbert Blythe wasn't always an irritating brat.

We all sat down, and the men eagerly began. 

"So, what happened?" asked the taller of the two. I looked at Gilbert, he looked flustered and hot, so I grabbed his hand and started, "We went to the beach as a surprise the day before. Me and Gilbert were having a race, I won of course, and we ended up on the further side of the beach. The sky was so spectacular, like a warm fire in the darkest of nights."

"Just get on with the story will you?!" snapped the older man, then he muttered to the other man, "We're wasting our time."

"I ended up falling asleep with Gilbert, and I presume none of the class could find us, so I woke up and I was submerged by the tide. I got up and I guess I got anxious. I kept on thinking about all the punishments, it was as if a million thought were crammed into my head. I started to run home and I slipped on a rock. And I saw Gilbert. I'm so lucky to have him. And that's all I can remember" The reporters looked earnestly at Gilbert, expecting him to continue.

 Gilbert shuffled uncomfortably before clearing his throat and starting, "I was terrified. I couldn't lose her. I hurried to her, and found her head bleeding. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around her head to act as a bandage." I touched my head, it touched Gilbert's chest! Gilbert had never told me this part before. "I picked her up and carried her home. And that's it. Come on, Anne, let's go." Gilbert helped me up, put a protective arm around me and took me back into class, totally oblivious to the torment that will follow tomorrow.

~ the next day ~

Gilbert's POV 

As always, I went to school early, shouting Bash goodbye, him returning it by cursing at me for waking him up. Boy that raises my spirits in the morning. I trudged to the pond to place my milk, when I saw the Take Notice Board. It was a ripped out page of a newspaper, the Daily Avonlea to be precise. In bold, the headlines stated, "I COULDN'T LOSE HER." I stared in shock at the rest of the newspaper.

A/N I have no idea where I'm going with this.



Two lovers, Anne and Gilbert, were abandoned on a beach together. Anne woke up next to her lover, which always brings a smile to her face, and realised they were still on the beach. 'I'm so lucky to have him' says Anne when talking about the event. She realised what troubles may befall her and began to flee to her home. She slipped on a rock, and Gilbert comes rushing to save her. 'I couldn't lose her,' says Gilbert, tears in his eyes. He agonised the whole journey, Anne bleeding on his bare chest, and finally reached Anne's home. Unfortunately, we don't know what happened in the house, when asking Anne's mother she refused to answer, claiming 'plum pastries don't bake themselves.' Anne and Gilbert's story always warms the heart, a story of determination and love.

My heart was in my mouth, the whole of Avonlea read this. I turned around to see a smirking Josie, her eyes full of trouble as she sneered, "Where's your lover, Gilbert?"

My cheeks lost colour when I saw Anne, and I quickly hid the newspaper behind my back and put on a fake smile. "Hey Gil. Hi Josie." cheered Anne merrily. Josie smirked before saying, "Aren't you going to give your boyfriend a kiss?"

A perplexed expression settled on Anne's face. I winced as Josie flung a piece of paper in front of her smug face and opened her mouth, "Two lovers,  Anne and Gilbert, were abandoned on a beach together. You love him." 

"Well of course I love him! He's my best friend," stated Anne, rather a matter of factly that just made my heart swell with pride. My love for this girl shone as bright as ever. I stared at Josie Pye's rather absurd expression. 

"That's right Anne. Now if you'll excuse us Josie, your talking lowers the whole IQ of Avonlea." I remarked, taking Anne's arm and strutting into the classroom.

I turned to Anne, "Anne, d-did you really mean what you said? Um-before?"

Anne chuckled, "Of course!" Then her eyes grew with worry before asking, "You do know you're my best friend, right?" I nodded before replying, "And your mine." 

We settled into our seats, which were next to each other, as other kids taunted and made fun of us. We just carried on ignoring them, Anne was putting on a brave face, but I could tell there was something wrong. The bell rang for the end of the day, Anne was deliberately delaying going out, waiting for everybody to go out first. I did the same, I wanted to talk to her.

"Anne, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Gilbert!" With that, she ran out of the door into the forest. I ran after her and found a certain red head sobbing behind a rather elegant tree. I slumped next to her.

"Don't you find the forest so filled with elegance? All the trees so exquisitely crafted, so perfect as it stretches out it's branches to reach another's, the sign of union, as it forms a natural archway over our heads. It's the most beautiful ballroom ever. And since it's such a wonderful ballroom, we'd be wasting it if we didn't dance?"I said, bowing my head and offering my hand.

Anne's POV

I wiped my eyes, to see a smiling Gilbert stretching his hand. I curtseyed and took it most graciously. He put his hands on my hips, I gasped, a wave of shock ran through my body. I put my hands on his shoulders. He pulled me closer and my head was on his chest. I blushed furiously, hoping Gilbert couldn't see. "Don't blush Carrots," he whispered, "It isn't the first time." I stepped on his foot, then carried on swaying to the forest sounds.

It was beautiful: the birds tweeting, the river whooshing, the leaves rustling in the light breeze, the occasional rabbit thumping its feet onto the forest floor. "I'm sorry, Gil." I mumbled. He just stroked my hair, as if the past didn't matter. I looked up at him, "Have you ever wished one moment could last forever?" 

"I'm wishing so hard, Carrots, so hard."

A/N I know I haven't posted as regular as I normally do. One of my chapters, which was meant to come out got deleted so I had to write this one. Hope it wasn't too bad. Thank for reading guys! 

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