Dating Gordie Would Include...

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-Writing stories together

-Cuddling while reading books together

-going on cute dates to the comic book store

-Gordie complimenting you all the time

-Plenty of kisses on the cheek

-Not a lot of PDA, but being very affectionate when by yourselves

-Writing cute love notes to each other

-You comforting him about Denny

-You encouraging Gordie to become a writer despite his parents not caring about him

-Gordie's parents not really caring about you or paying much attention to you

-Your parents adoring Gordie

-Supporting each other in everything you do

-Gordie letting you wear his Yankee cap on occasion

-Gordie saving up money to buy you little presents

-Sweet, slow kisses

- Friday Nights being movie nights

-Sleepovers at his house

-Chris giving Gordie advice on how to be romantic

-You baking treats for Gordie to surprise him

-Talking to each other about your fears

-Planning to get married one day

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