How He Wakes You Up

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Chris was always very gentle and sweet when he woke you up. On mornings where he had nowhere to go and could wake up slowly with you, he would slowly rub your back and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. Once you slowly started to stir, he would give you a gentle kiss on the forehead and say, "Good morning, beautiful." On the occasional days he would have to get up early and rush out the door, he would simply let you sleep, and give you a small forehead kiss and whisper "love you" before heading out the door. As much as you enjoyed your sleep, you loved being woken up by Chris's sweet words and soft kisses.

Like most people, Gordie hated waking up in the morning. Because of this, Gordie was always very careful with you when waking you up, not wanting you to be a grumpy as he usually was in the morning. He would have his arms wrapped around your waist and quietly sing some of your favorite songs to you. You always loved the sound of Gordie's voice, and often begged for him to sing to you, so he figured that this was a nice way to wake you up. This proved to be true as you would wake up with a smile and give Gordie a small peck. Once you were fully awake, Gordie would ask you how your sleep was. It was a simple but sweet way to wake you up.

There were two ways in which Teddy would wake you up in the morning. The first way was sweet and loving. He would pull you close to him as he cooed in your ear, "Good morning, I love you my princess." He would then proceed to pepper your face with sweet kisses in order to hear your cute giggles as you woke up. The other way he would wake you up was much more Teddy like. He would get impatient with waiting for you to wake up, and start tickling you as he yelled, "Wake up! Spend time with me!" It goes without saying that you preferred the first way of being woken up.

Ace being Ace, it should come as no surprise how he woke you up in the morning. He would slowly leave a trail of kisses up and down your neck, his hands slowly roaming your body. Once you were awake, he'd mumble a quick good morning before pressing his lips against yours. At first, you were against the idea of morning makeup sessions as you were worried about morning breath. Thankfully, Ace was one of the few people who had good breath in the morning and constantly reassured you that you did as well. Now that was your favorite part of waking up in the morning.

It was extremely rare that Richie would ever be up before you. It was usually you that you have to wake him up. On the few occasions that he would wake up before you, Richie was very sweet in the way he would wake you up. He would gently kiss your forehead before going into the kitchen, letting you sleep just a little bit longer. He would leave your bedroom door open as he made you a cup of coffee or tea, knowing that the aroma of either would be enough to wake you up. He would soon return with your cup or coffee or tea as you woke up. Once you were awake, the two of you would sit together talking as you drank or coffee or tea. The times that this happened were few and far between, but it was always really nice whenever he did.

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