When He's Drunk

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Chris didn't drink. After seeing how alcohol had ruined his entire family, Chris vowed never to touch a drop. He honestly feared becoming an alcoholic and becoming like his father, so he made the decision at an early age to live a life of abstinence from the substance. As you guys grew into  adulthood, Chris worried about how it would affect your relationship, but it didn't really change anything for the two of you. You only drank a few times a year when out with your friends, and never kept alcohol in the house. You respected Chris and all of his life decisions.

Gordie was a philosophical kind of drunk, which wasn't all that surprising considering he was a writer. Once he got some alcohol in him, he would start babbling on about the meaning of life, whether or not soulmates are real, and even whether or not animals felt emotions the same way people did. He could go on for hours about his many different philosophies when he was drunk. You really didn't mind though, you found his drunk rambling to be quite amusing.

Teddy was always the life of the party, but that was even more true when he got drunk. When he was hammered, there was no holding back for him. He would jump up on tables and start dancing, sing at the top of his lungs, and even attempt to do handstands. Although, the last part never ended well. You would often have to drag him home whenever this happened. Thankfully, he didn't get drunk often and actually had pretty good self control when it came to drinking. Therefore, you let him have his fun once or twice a year.

Ace didn't get drunk easily. The man could hold his booze like nobody's business. On the rare occasions he did get drunk though, not much changed with him. The only way you could tell he was intoxicated was that he would stumble a little on his feet, slur his words a bit, and eat a lot of food. Ace's stomach was like a bottomless pit when he was drunk, and ate anything he could get his hands on. It honestly annoyed you a lot when he got drunk because it meant all the snacks you had in your house disappeared. It got to the point where you started locking the pantries so Ace couldn't get his drunk hands on them.

Richie was a very affectionate drunk. Whenever he hit the bottle too hard, he would get really cuddly. Therefore, you always made sure to stay close to him whenever he was drunk. He would pull you close to him and just hug you for a really long time. He would also stare at you, start giggling and tell you, "You're really pretty. Like really, really pretty." It was incredibly cute. He would always be really embarrassed the next morning, but you always told him that you really didn't mind.

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