Your Song (Time Period and Modern)

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Note: Okay I lied last chapter, this is the last preference of the night I promise. I've had this idea for a while, and finally decided to sit down and write it. I also thought it would be cute for each boy to have a song from the time period Stand By Me takes place in as well as a modern song, so that's what I do. Be sure to comment if you recognize/enjoy any of these songs I hope you guys enjoy!
(Disclaimer: I don't own any of these songs. All credit goes to the original artists.)
Time Period: Stand By Me by Ben E. King
You and Chris had each other's backs no matter what. Throughout your journey through life, you guys were always right by each other's side. You guys supported each other throughout every trial and tribulation life threw at the two of you. It didn't matter what it was; as long as you had each other, you would get through it. As long as you two stood by each other, neither of you would be afraid of anything. This song was a reminder of that.

Modern: God Bless the Broken Road by Rachel Flatts
Chris had been through a lot in life. He had to deal with things that no one, especially someone as young as him, should have to do this. Growing up, Chris didn't have a lot of faith in God. In fact, he cursed God out a time of two for allowing him to suffer the way he did. Chris didn't understand why God allowed him to experience the pain he did; that was until he met you. As soon as he met you, his world changed forever in the best way possible. You were the best thing that had ever happened to him. Chris realized that there was a plan for his life. All the scars he had, all the trauma he faced, it all led him to you. As soon as he heard this song, he knew it represent your relationship perfectly. The broken road of his life had led him straight to you.


Time Period: My Girl by The Temptations
Gordie felt like the luckiest guy in the world because he was your boyfriend. You were his sunshine who brightened up all his cloudy days. You offered him all the love and support he would ever need from anyone. He didn't need any money of riches when he had you. You made him feel the happiest he ever had felt. So yeah, Gordie was the luckiest guy in the world, all because you were his girl. This song was a good reminder of that.

Modern: From the Ground Up by Dan and Shay
You and Gordie were soulmates. There was no question about that. You were more than just high school sweethearts; you were truly meant to spend the rest of your lives together. Gordie always imagined the two of you kissing each other goodnight; saig i love you; saying i do; building a nursery; and even growing old in a cute little house together. You two planned to get married one day. You both knew that life wouldn't be easy as clouds would inevitably roll in on occasion, but that didn't scare you. You would hold each other's hands through the worse and the better. This song represented how the two of you were building your love, and your lives, from the ground up.


Time Period: Everyday by Buddy Holly
This was your song as this was the song the two of you had your first kiss to. There was more significance to the son than that, though. Teddy's mom had always told him that he would find true love on day. That gave Teddy hope that love would eventually come his way, and that it was getting closer and closer everyday. When you moved to Castle Rock, Teddy knew that he had found his true love. He was actually too scared to ask you out at first, but his friends encouraged him to do so. Everyday after the day he asked you out was a fairytale, and your love got stronger everyday.

Modern: Smile by Uncle Kracker
There was no denying the fact that Teddy was an angry kid. It was understandable based on the incident with his dad. That all changed when he met you though. Once he met you, Teddy finally understood what happiness was. You were like a flower that poked through the cracks of the sidewalk. You made Teddy happy, and he did the same for you. You guys would dance like idiots and laugh so hard you would forget how to breathe. This song perfectly captured the lightheartedness and fun of your relationship. You made each other smile, and that was the most important thing to both of you.


Time Period: I Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis Presley
Ace didn't believe in love. He thought it was for fools. Ace grew up in an environment that taught him that emotions were a sign of weakness, and he carried that belief throughout most of his life. That was all over for him once he met you. He didn't want to fall in love with you; he really didn't. He just couldn't help it as you were perfect for him in every way possible. You didn't just take his hand; you took his whole heart. This song reminded him of that.

Modern: Craving You by Thomas Rhett ft. Maren Morris
You and Ace had a very physical relationship. Neither of you were known to sit down and talk about your feelings. Instead, your feelings were conveyed through touch. While this type of relationship wouldn't work for most people, it was perfect for you and Ace. Because the two of you were so physical with each other, you could never get enough of each other. You loved the electric feeling you got whenever you kissed Ace; it was almost like a drug. You two were always craving each other, therefore this song was perfect for the two of you.


Time Period: My Eyes Adored You by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
It took Richie a long time to ask you out, despite knew he knew that he felt something for you from the moment he laid his eyes on you. Part of it was the fact that he believed he had royalty screwed up his first impression when you two first met. The other part was the fact that he didn't feel like he was good enough for you. So, he simply admired you from afar. Of course, you two you always have friendly conversations while waiting for Chris's tutoring session to begin, but Richie had never made a move until the day he asked you out. In the meantime, he didn't lay a hand on you, while his eyes adored you. This song captured how much Richie admired you during that time.

Modern: Put a Little Love On Me by Niall Horan
Before you started dating, Richie wondered about you often: how you spent your weekends; places you traveled to; if you ever got lonely. Richie would lay awake at night wondering these things about you. Even when you first started dating, Richie didn't realize how much love for you he was hiding. It wasn't until he recognized the fact that he would dream about you, that he realized he was in love with you. You were the only girl he ever needed. This was because you gave him a type of love that he had never experienced before. You made him feel safe, secure, and worthy of happiness. When the shadows of his past kept in, he just needed you to put a little love on him, and they would disappear.

Note: In case you couldn't tell from majority of the songs in this preference, I really love country music 😂. If you also like country music please let me know because we country music lovers of the world need to unit. Anyway, I hope you guys all enjoyed this preference. Be sure to comment and let me know what you thought. Thanks for reading! :)

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