chapter fourteen

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Paul was at this moment feeling very uneasy. How could Jane show the fuck up unannounced like this? What if Sadie meets her? He groaned, rubbing his forehead. Paul felt a major headache come on.

Jane looked over toward her Beatle-boyfriend. Her bubbly, cheery, 'I'm going to talk your ear off-self' stopped mid-sentence. "What's wrong, Paul? You don't look so good."

Paul grimaced, still rubbing his forehead. "Jus' stress with filmin' everyday non-stop. It catches up to you and it's only 7:30 a.m.!" Boy was Paul a great liar. Jane had a sincere look on her face now. She bought in to Paul's huge lie!

Score one for good ol' Macca. He smiled to himself.

"Let me go get you some aspirin and lie down for a while." Jane added, stepping in to the private bathroom, returning with two pills and a glass of water. Paul gladly took the pills and gulped them down. "I can' take off filmin' fer today. Rich Lester'll have my head on a silver platter!"

"Fine then. I just thought maybe we could spend some time together for once! Maybe you could at least give in to something I WANT! It's always The Beatles this and The Beatles that!" Jane threw her hands up in the air, exasperated.

Paul's voice rose at Jane's demands. "It's always about you, isn' it? I put my heart, soul,sweat and blood in to The Beatles! I bloody fuckin' told ya to quit taking rolls and touring so much with theatre productions, but would you fuckin' listen? NO!"

Jane fumed at Paul's raised tone, hoping none of the others heard their argument. "This is the obvious thanks I get for trying to surprise you. I can't do anything right, can I Paul?" Tears threatening to spill over.

Paul sighed, sitting down on the bed. "I'm sorry fer snappin' at ya. I'm jus' under a lot of stress righ' now."She sat down next to Paul and he gave her a small hug. Jane gave a weak smile.

Glancing at the alarm clock Paul noticed it was 8:00 a.m. He sighed inwardly. Just as he was about to tell Jane he had to get ready and leave soon, a  knock came at his bedroom door.

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