chapter seventeen

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Majority of the day for Sadie, was spent cooped up in her room. Wads of crumpled paper thrown inside the small waste paper basket. Let's try this again... she thought to herself, as she chewed on the pen cap. Desperately Sadie wanted to fill Patsy in with everything, but she knew leaving her "relations" with Paul out of it, was for the best. She didn't need her older sibling worrying about her well-being. Finally Sadie found the words to write on the notepad before her:

Oh Dearest Patricia,

Sorry I didn't have time to write to you sooner. Filming eight to twelve hour days takes it's toll on you after a while! My scenes are done for now, so I have time to lounge on the beach and go exploring. You REALLY need to see this place! They don't call it Paradise Island for nothing!!!! It's gorgeous. The only down-side is it's freezing here.

How are you managing at home? Hope the modeling gigs are paying well. I'm doing good. Kind of homesick though. I miss London. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. No guy has managed to get in my panties...hahaha! But seriously, I've been good and those four horny boys have been on their best behaviour.

I'll be home March 10th. Love you, sis!

See you then,


Skimming over the finished product, Sarah chuckled to herself. Oh boy, if she only knew the half of it... Satisfied with the letter, she neatly folded the piece of paper and placed it inside the envelope; sealing it. Picking up the pen on her lap, Sadie neatly printed Patsy's name and address on the front of the white envelope and added a stamp.

Finished, she vacated her spot on the comfy queen-sized bed. Stretching and yawning, Sadie slipped on her sandals and headed out the door to the nearest mail box.

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