Chapter 1

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Kaden's P.O.V

I waited patiently in the prinicpal's office as we awaited our special guest. It was just after seven in the morning and I was beyond tired. I had to wake Jasmine up earlier than she's used to, which caused a breakdown because she wasn't used to things that affected her schedule. I made sure to make things the same almost every single day so she would be in a good routine. If anything effected the routine, even by the smallest margin, it stressed her out. I managed to get her over to my mothers house this morning and thanked her again for taking her to school because I had to be here to show the guest around. I didn't know why Robert didn't choose a teacher who had time to come into school this early without any hassles. I thought he would've chosen one of the heads of departments and not me. He knew of my situation.

It was hard raising Jasmine as an only parent. It was hard because I had to balance work and home life and I had to manage all of her doctor's appointments and after school activities to help with her development. Jasmine was diagnosed with autism when she was six after her teacher questioned me as to whether or not I had thought about getting her tested. I had Jasmine when I was eighteen after my boyfriend and I had sex at a party and forgot to use protection. When I broke the news to him he cried his eyes out because he knew that there was no chance I was aborting. I just couldn't do it. So we worked together to bring Jasmine up as best we could while I studied teaching and he worked within the police force. We were a good tag team where I usually worked day shifts and he woked night shifts and we'd both have weekends off to spend with Jasmine. That was until about five years ago when he got shot on the job. That was one of the most traumatic days of my life. I got a call at four in the monring from his officer in charge which let me know he had been shot. It was the most heartbreaking thing in the world because Jasmine was only three and we were only just about to start our lives. Ever since then it has been just Jasmine and I.

"She's here Mr Mathews," Julie, the front office receptionist smiled through the doorway excitedly. I had noticed she dolled herself up more than usual today.

"Bring her in," he smiled, standing up and adjusting his suit. He nodded his head at me so I quickly stood, brushing out my sunflower yellow dress to look presentable. I watched as two bulky men walked into the room before two women, heels clicked against the wooden floor.

"Hello Mr Mathew's. I'm Payton Queen, Megan Jones' manager," the woman smiled, shaking his hand.

"Its a pleasure, but please, call me Robert," he smiled, shaking her hand, "It's an absolute honour to have you at our school Miss Jones," Robert greeted the next woman.

"The pleasure is all mine Robert, please call me Megan," she smiled sweetly, shaking his hand.

"This is one of our staff members here. This is Miss Longmore. She teaches year eleven and twelve science," Robert introduced me.

"It's nice to meet you," Payton smiled as she shook my hand. I smiled at her, letting my eyes fall onto her caramel ones.

"Its nice to meet you Miss Longmore," Megan greeted me, letting her soft hand fall into mine for a soft shake.

"Kaden please," I spoke, earning a smile from Megan. She had these incredible light blue eyes. I had never seen eyes this blue. I'd refer them to the sky but somehow they were bluer. It made me question whether or not she was wearing contacts but her eyes looked natural.

"Kaden will be showing you around the school while I speak with Payton, if that's alright Megan?" Robert asked her as she kept her gaze on me. I felt slightly self-concious under her stare. She was literally a model. She was breathtakingly gorgeous and I felt like I didn't deserve her attention.

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