Chapter 8

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Kaden's P.O.V

It was now Monday and I wasn't looking forward to the day. Usually I loved being at work but after the reports about Megan and I spread like fire through the media, I knew my day wasn't going to be as quiet as I hoped. Jasmine was good this morning but because my mind had been all over the place I kept accidentally ruining her routine which she handled better than I thought but we still had our fair share of water works. I managed to drop her off on time to school and made it on time to work. I was awaiting my first period class and was feeling nervous. I knew all of the students were into the big headlines and celebrity gossip so I was expecting some questions regarding the photos of Megan and I together. I hadn't told my mum about the situation yet because I knew she'd freak out. Not because Megan is famous or my name is in the media, but because Megan is a woman and she isn't exactly accepting of that.

I jumped slightly when I heard students beginning to walk into the room. Some greeted me and I greeted them back, standing from my desk. I checked the things on the board that we were doing in today's lesson and made sure they were in order and correct. When it got to ten past nine I began the lesson.

"Good morning everyone," I called, grabbing my whiteboard marker. Everyone said good morning back, some more sleepily than others.

"How was everyone's weekend?" I asked.

"Good," some replied. Michael three his hand in the air, a smile on his lips.

"Yes Michael?" I questioned, watching as everyone grabbed their books out and their homework from the weekend.

"Is it true that you went on a date with Megan Jones?" He asked. I instantly felt my heart pound against my chest. The students eyes were usually on me but right now it felt more haunting and scary. Just as I was about to speak, the door opened and Vivian quietly walked in. Her head was hung low, her blonde hair covering her face. She was only a few minutes late so I wasn't going to draw attention to it.

"Not everything we see or read in the media is true," I clarified, walking forward and leant back on my desk.

"But there are photos of you and Megan Jones at the park," he retorted.

"How did you even become friends with a celebrity?" Mason asked who sat next to Michael. I sighed, not wanting to talk about this, I glanced around the room seeing that everyone was paying attention to the conversation except for Vivian who still had her head hung low.

"We're here to learn science," I spoke sternly, "you can talk about celebrity gossip during your breaks or after school. Now please grab out your homework sheets from the weekend so I can mark them," I finished, walking around the room to grab them.

"Everyone open up your books to chapter twelve. Although this is not in the physics test on Wednesday, we need to learn this for the exam," I instructed everyone. I got around to Vivian's desk and noticed she hadn't got her homework out.

"Vivian do you have your homework?" I questioned quietly so only she could hear me.

"I didn't complete it," she replied quietly, flipping the sheet over to show me she had done two out of ten questions.

"You know my rules about completing homework Vivian," I sighed.

"Yes Miss Longmore," she looked up and me and that's when I noticed a faint bruise under her right eye.

"I'll see you at recess Vivian to go over the homework," she nodded, looking back down at her desk and opened her book. I made my way back to the front, stacking the homework on my desk before beginning the lesson. I always tried to make my lessons as inclusive and fun as they could be. I understood that not every student learned the same way so I made sure to have some readings, videos, PowerPoint material and interactive demonstrations to get the students moving and thinking. When the students were working I could hear them talking about Megan and I. I didn't bring any attention to it and remained at my desk unless someone brought their work up for help or because they were finished. I didn't know how I felt about this but I knew if I wanted to be friends with Megan I'd have to get used to it, but I didn't know if I could.

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