Chapter 16: Throw Them Off A Cliff

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Hey guys, sorry for posting later. Again. I was just at work and got home super late and passed out. I'll post the next chapter later tonight too after I get off work. 

I force myself not to blink and stare ahead at the edge of the Main Islands, where our world plummets into nothing but grey skies and air. The dock is bustling with dragon riders and their dragons, all of them waiting for the trams to land. The wind feels like a slap to the face every time it carries by. I push the stray hairs from my face, glad for the braids, but it doesn't feel the same. The air feels heavy and brittle, like a branch ready to snap.

    My heart pounds, hands slick with sweat as the time ticks by. The sun has barely risen and fog hangs around our chins.

    "Why do the mages have to come here? Isn't there someplace else for them to harass?" a girl with porcelain skin and a bald head whispers to her friend.

    Their hushed conversation catches the attention of another nearby rider, and he leans in. Though gossip has always been Renora's fortune, and before coming here, I've never been interested in it, now I realize the importance and usefulness of listening in and can't help but do so now.

"They don't belong here," the man says, with his mustard yellow dragon standing near and nodding his agreement.

    "Yeah, but I heard that their cities are all destroyed," says another, as if the deaths of millions of innocent people is the new latest trend. I can't help but feel insulted and cast her a distasteful stare.

    The one with a bald head, huffs, almost smiling. I expect him to swat his hand. "With the way they treat everybody, they got what they deserved."

    Anger blossoms in my chest and my eyes sharpen into daggers. I think about taking one of their faces and forcing the cold into their veins. Millions of people are dead, you selfish bitch. It doesn't matter if their mages or dragon riders. The words hang on the tip of my tongue, my throat tightens so much it hurts.

    Through the bond, Rima sends a gentle warmth over me, trying to calm me down before I can lunge at one of the riders. Her thoughts wander to Holland saying that dragon riders would not rejoice in mages deaths. It seems he was wrong, she thinks, though part of her -- us -- already knew that. If I peek inside the bond, I would see her beside Galeur and Holland as they bark orders at their scubs. Neither of them trust her around my family anymore, not after Rosity and have decided to keep her close in case she attacks my parents again.

    But I had to come, I needed to see what remains of my family -- of my sister.

    Someone bumps into me, setting a hand on my shoulder before disappearing into the crowd. "Oh, sorry, Norah."

    "No problem," I say, glaring at the riders whose heads snap around like alarmed cats. Their eyes widen and I hear one of them curse under their breaths. A true mage would offer a bitter smile or threat, but I only stare, wanting them to look away first.

    "Oh, hi," the bald one says with black eyeliner sharp enough to slice through the tension hanging in the air.

    My glare only deepens and that gives them the que to turn away and wince. When they start up another conversation again, it's not about the mages. Though, I hear similar murmurs throughout the crowd of people.

"I see them!" A rider hollers from the sky. "The mages are here!"

    Easton and his mother stiffen, glancing to one another. I'm surprised the other purebloods haven't shown up, though thinking back to my first year at the academy, Easton and I didn't get along very well.

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