Chapter 27: She in Trouble

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I just want you all to know how much I relate to the meme above. It hits home, lol. 

I hope everyone is doing okay with the quarantine. I've been catching up on a few books and a bunch of Netflix shows. So, that's been fun.

Anyway, if you like the chapter it would mean a lot to me if you would consider giving it a vote. : )

 The hand muffles my yelp, palms and fingers calloused against my lips. The raider yanks me back, wrapping his arms around me. Adam disappears behind a blanket of rain, his shout drowned out by the thunder. I stumble back, and manage to catch my footing enough to jab my opponent between the ribs. One hand releases from around me catching my strike with lethal efficiency.

"Calm down before I throw you back in the tavern," he hisses, releasing me with a sharp thrust forward.

My mind draws completely blank, lips parted. The only thing that keeps me from tripping over my own two feet is reflexes. I blink at the night, trying to force my mind into gear. Lightning strikes again and I squint through it, whirling around as voices sound around me. I try to listen in but the rain and wind muffles everything like a soggy wet blanket over the world.

"Are you hurt?" Thunder rumbles above as if in answer. I turn, managing a small shake of my head. Though it's quite dark, his silver hair catches the lights of nearby street lamps and building lights. It splits and parts at weird angles over his face, some of the ends brushing against the tops of his eyebrows.

Holland grabs my wrist, dragging me deeper into the city. He doesn't look anywhere but forward as he barks, "Bring him with you."

Looking over my shoulder is pointless, I can barely see Holland's face let alone these mysterious people Holland was talking to. And, I know he'll tell me after I've been yelled at.

He turns into a narrow, empty street and whirls me forward. "What the hell are you doing?" he fumes, his worry turned to anger. When I don't answer, he arches his brows.

I shrug, still trying to wrap my head around how he got here. And the shadows. Who were they? How did they find Adam and I? Rima is too fast to track, her scent should have been lost by now especially with the storm.

"I thought you were kidnapped!" he yells. "I was getting ready to kick in the doors of your parent's house."

"Y-you were?" Wind blows through me, filling my mouth with rain and biting, salty spray.

"What am I supposed to think?" He waves a hand. I don't flinch, not quite sure if it would be a blow to the head. If it would have, I still wouldn't have complained. It would have been well deserved. "You were gone! And your father was gone. And you left that sucky ass note for Riveta to find. Do you know how worried she was? 'Will be back soon, don't worry.'" He mimicked snidely. "You know what that does? It makes her worry!" His shout drowned out the sounds of the storm.

Guilt finds its way in my stomach. I try to snuff it out but the more Holland goes on, the worse I feel. You knew, I hiss to myself. You knew what would happen when you left. How they would feel and you did it anyway. Deal with the consequences.

I swallow the lump in my throat, fingers fiddling. "Sorry," I rasp, not entirely sure if Holland heard it or if it was swallowed by the storm.

"I thought we'd moved past this, Norah," Holland continues with a frustrated growl. "I thought you would come talk to me about things. But apparently I was wrong! D-do I need to wear a shirt that says 'Norah, you can trust me.' Or how about everytime you talk to me, you have to say 'Holland, I trust you?'" He rubs his face, taking a deep calming breath. "You have thirty seconds to explain yourself, and it better be good. Go."

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