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Ryujin on the otherhand, looking so pissed slammed the door as soon as she enter her house, the guts of Yuna is making Ryujin's blood boil in anger

She doesn't really know why she feels anger towards her when Yuna only wants to befriend. She's confused but decided to shrugged it off and slumped back into her mattress.

She opened the TV and started to play the tape of her when she was a kid, she can hear her parents voice in there although they're not showing on the video because the main point is the small Ryujin playing on the ground with her barbies.

She looks so innocent and jolly, far from what she is now.

"Ryujin baby! That's dirty," her mother's voice can be heard from the video she's playing

Suddenly, Ryujin felt the urge to cry after a long time. Her lips started to quiver as tears are starting to form in her eyes. She misses them so much, it felt like yesterday when she saw her father's soulless body in the morgue and her mother's body hanging on the ceiling

It surged every breath of Ryujin, her shoulders moving up and down, it's tearing her inside as she reminisce all the memories of her parents when they were still happily living in the house she's staying.

The world is so cruel for her, she forgot how it is to be happy without carrying a heavy thing on her chest, how she forgot the sound of her laugh, her eyes that is full of hope when she was a kid turns into pain and sadness, it's lifeless

She can't recognize the girl in the mirror whenever she looks at it.

'Who am I?' is what Ryujin always ask herself but she doesn't get any answer everytime

She is dead inside, many times it has crossed her mind to do suicide but something's stopping her to do so, she don't know what it is but she feels like she needs to wait for it.

There's a big hole in Ryujin's heart after her parents passing. People looks at her with pity and sorrow but she didn't need any of those, she needs her parents back because they are her strength. But it is impossible to bring back the dead, and she accepts it.

Maybe, she was born to suffer. She always ask herself if she deserves it, was she a criminal in her past life that made her like this in the present?

She hugged her parents picture and lay on the bed. She can't stop crying, if this tears are going to lessen the pain she's feeling she wants to cry forever.

Ryujin hugged herself along with their family picture as she cry herself to sleep.

y so cold {ryuna/2shin}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora