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Ryujin woke up because of the continous sound she's hearing from the other room right beside hers. She lay in bed trying to figure out if she hears it right. Her eyes half open, she stood from her bed and slowly walk out to her room

The sounds stopped but it didn't stop Ryujin from checking put what is happening. The chilling air passing throughout her body is sending shivers down her spine, it's too cold. The heavy rain doesn't seem to stop any minute now

She opened the lights from the other room as soon as she got there, her eyes squinted a little as the bright light surprised her but what surprise her more is a man lying down her carpet, unconcious

And the blonde girl named Yuna on the other side holding her stomach, her face shows pain. There's blood coming out of her and she's stopping it by putting pressure on it, her green shirt stain red

Ryujin with widen eyes rushed towards her, she's still shocked and confused about how and what happened inside her house while she was sleeping peacefully

Ryujin stare at Yuna, the first time she saw her not wearing her big smile instead a glisten of pain can be seen. Her lips are quivering and she's breathing heavily while they both stare into each other's eyes

Ryujin help her stand up but Yuna is shaking her head while limping as she hang her arms on Ryujin's shoulders

"No, c-call the cops! That t-thief should be arrested right now!" Yuna having a trouble breathing tried her best to tell Ryujin what to do

"Fuck, let's get you to the hospital first!" Ryujin exclaimed, she's panicking because this was the first time she experienced this kind of situation

"L-look, this isn't deep! I-i n-need you to do what I say r-right now! Okay? A-and please, calm down." Yuna can feel her energy draining because she lost many blood for a long time already, they both went to Ryujin's room and locked the door

"O-okay, okay, yeah, I-i will do what you say, let me call the c-cops first," Ryujin's hands are shaking while she dials the cops, her voice is shaking as she don't know what she needed to do

Yuna nodded her head and closed her eyes for a bit when Ryujin started shaking her

"Don't d-die! Hey! H-help is gonna come," Yuna chuckled because of Ryujin, she have the guts to laugh even after her encounter with the criminal

"I-i won't die, I'm just regaining my energy, can y-you please check the man on the other room and tie him so he wouldn't be able to escape?" Yuna asked Ryujin but then changed her mind, what if the man regain his conciousness and take Ryujin as his hostage?

"Wait, n-no, let me do it, you stay here!" Yuna told Ryujin who was about to go check on the other side

"Maybe, we should treat your wound first and I think it's better if we both stay in here," Ryujin suggested and Yuna gave her a slight nod, she's right, Yuna's injured but it won't stop her from moving until the man can no longer move

Ryujin took her first aid kit and wrapped a bandage around Yuna's stomach where she got hit, Ryujin isn't sure if she did it right but Yuna is rushing her

"Thank you, Ryujin, I'll be back! Stay here, don't open the door when I'm gone," Yuna gave her sweetest smile assuring the scared Ryujin that everything's going to be fine before locking the door and completely stepping outside her room

Yuna sighed, her stomach is stinging in pain. She can't handle it anymore, she might pass out anytime but she needs to tie that man first before the cops arrive. She have to so that no one will be his victim again, that man needs to be in jail.

y so cold {ryuna/2shin}Where stories live. Discover now