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"Will you still love me?"


The time has come. We're on our way to the airport because we'll have to send off Yuna although it hurts me to think that she's leaving what more if I see her walking away from me without knowing when she'll come back

I'm staring at her beautiful features as her eyes are darted at the car window mind on space.

I'm still waiting if she'll tell me about it.

'Yuna?' I called her name inside my head then she faced me with a sad look

"I'm having second thoughts." She looks so bothered

I held her hand tightly as I played with it. I smiled warmly at her as I plant kissed on her hand.

"You just have to promise me one thing Yuna." I stare deeply into her eyes, I love it so much. I'm gonna miss everything about this girl

"What is it?" She asks curiously, her eyes getting wide which is adorable

I chuckled, "You'll come back to me. Alive and well." She was taken aback, it was pretty obvious.

"O-of course I-i will." She laughed awkwardly while scratching her nape

I forced a smile before I kissed her forehead. I can see her eyes brimming with tears already and I'm afraid that once she cries I'll end up crying too and won't let her go

"We're near." said Lia

Both Yeji and her are infront, Yeji's driving while Lia's on the passenger seat.

Yuna and I looked at each other that made my heart stops for a second. I smiled at her although I can feel my world crushing at the back as I see that we're already here

I was holding Yuna's hand as we walked inside the airport.

Everyone's having a blast inside. There are some people laughing and crying as they let go of their love ones.

Yuna have ten minutes to talk to us then she'll go. Someone's assisting her which is good in that case I know she'll be safe.

"Ryujin baby." Yuna's voice cracked as she calls for my name after talking to Yeji, Lia and Chaeryeong

She hug me as tight as she could. I closed my eyes feeling her warmth, her smell, her skin

It will take a lot of days maybe months or a year after I got to feel this.

"Don't forget about me okay? Always think of me, I promise that I'll come back to you. When I know that everything's alright I'll make you my girlfriend or even wife. I love you so much Ryujin. You made me feel so much in just a short time. It felt like I've known you for long. I promise to call you everyday and night. I will never forget how much I love you." Yuna started tearing up, I was expecting her to tell me that specific thing but I guess she won't really say it

"Y-yes, I will wait for you. Don't break your promise, okay?" My voice is shaking, I still want to say so many things to her. How she makes me happy and all. How she brought colors to my dark world. Fuck. I really love Yuna but sometimes love really is a bitch

"I have to go but one last thing Ryujin, I really love your black hair." She giggle in between her sobs.

I smiled, she reached for my cheeks and slowly went in for a soft kiss, she holds and kiss me like I'm fragile like she doesn't want to let me go or cause harm to me

The kiss was long enough that I could inhale her breath and  feel the warmth of her skin

Yuna smiled widely before walking away from me. Her lipstick still lingered after she had gone.

I fell on my knees, I started crying like there's no tomorrow.

She left. And what's much worst is she didn't tell me the real reason why she's going to the states.

She lied.

I know why she have to go and I try to understand why she didn't want to tell me that she's been suffering from cancer.

I'm waiting for her to tell me but she didn't. I feel terrible that I didn't got to help her cope up with it

If I didn't saw her bruises and that paper about her sickness I wouldn't have any idea on what and why she's acting different


Lia, Chaeryeong and Yeji looked at me showing pity in their eyes.

As soon as I calm a bit. We enter the car and started going back.

My eyes are puffy and red same as Lia who also can't stop crying. Meanwhile, Yeji tries her best not to cry and Chaeryeong is weeping.

Everyone's so down that we can't cheer each other up

"Why didn't she tell me that she's suffering from cancer?" I asked that made them gasp in shock

No one answered my question, I understand it was sensitive for me to ask that but I hope one day they'll tell me why they kept it a secret from me.

My eyes are on the road. I stopped crying already but my heart can't, it's missing someone and that someone is Yuna.

They say that love hurts so I guess I'm hurting because of love.

Hi guys. Since we're on lockdown I'll try my best to update everyday or every two days. I hope you like my story. Thank you.

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