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"It's breaking me, losing you."


I woke up catching my breath, it's that dream again. How many times have I dreamed and woke up crying because of her?

How many months has it been? A year maybe. Yes, it's been a year since I last saw her and hear her voice

It's exactly half a year since she cut our communication. After that call, after all those letters she still hasn't come back.

And yet I'm still waiting. I'm still hoping she'd show up or atleast call me. I've been longing for her, her touch, her smile, her lips, her eyes, everything about her

Even Lia and the others didn't know what to do. Yeji even went to US to look for her but Yuna's nowhere to be found

It's like she didn't exist at all.

I still remember the last letter she wrote for me.

That letter that still gives me hope after a year of waiting.

'Yuna, come back to me!' That's my everyday thought whenever I go back to the park

Hoping that one day we'll finally meet, we'll meet where we had our first kiss, our first fight and our first date.

"Ryujin, my baby, my wife, my girlfriend. This letter will be my confession to you, I didn't got to confess face-to-face because I'm afraid you'll reject me. This letter will probably be the last and I hope I'm already beside you while you read this letter hehe. Ryujin. I have cancer. I have a cancer right in my blood. My step-mother immediately call me and told me that I need to recover and have chemo as soon as possible. Although I want to bring you with me, I can't. She is against my sexuality. She hates me for having an attraction towards girls, she's disgusted of me but I know she loves me. She wouldn't do this if she don't. Anyways, in this letter I want you to know how much you affect me. Ryujin, wait for me even if it takes weeks, months or even years. It's selfish yes but I don't want to see you with somebody else. I love you so much. Please wait for me, and can you please not look to anyone else the way you looked at me before? Can you not laugh at someone elses joke the way you laugh when I crack one? Can you please not be in love with someone else other than me? Until things get better can you promise that your heart's mine only? I know it's selfish but please don't fall in love with someone else, I'm begging you.

One cold day, you're gonna wake up alone. Craving for my touch, my kisses, my hugs, seeking for my presence and looking for my traces. You'll crave for those and I hope if that day comes, it's still me that you're looking for. I hope you don't got somebody else to replace me. I trust you Ryujin. I love you so much. Until we meet again."

I've read this letter for so many times but I still can't get over it. I still cry whenever I read this.

Oh Yuna, how am I going to get over you when you leave every pieces of you with me?

"Ryujin?" Chaeryeong call for my name

"You're reading that again?" She asked while pouting, I smiled a little before I bring it inside the cabinet

"Is it time?" I asked which she responds with a nod

"Alright, go on and change. Don't cry anymore, Yuna will be mad if she learns we're making you cry." She frowned as she wipe the tears off my cheeks

"Crazy, she's the reason why I'm crying at the first place." I chuckled

"I'll kill that bitch once I see her. Gosh, how long has it been I fucking miss her already." Chaeryeong's voice cracked as she sat back down

"We all miss her, it's alright. We'll definitely meet each other soon," Although I'm not sure when is that 'soon' I hope it's near

Yuna, I'm still clinging for your promise that you'll come back well and alive.

"Bitch, I don't wanna mess my make-up. Let's not emote and go change your clothes or we'll be late." Chaeryeong's mood swing is quite unbelievable sometimes

"Also, you're mad gorgeous at your black hair. Damn gurl." She grinned widely before walking out of the room and closing the door

Leaving me with a trembling knees and blurry vision. FUCK. I'm fucking tired of crying when will this heartbreak stop?

'Yuna, I won't give up on you.'

y so cold {ryuna/2shin}Where stories live. Discover now