Thirty -Five

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"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it?"


"Fucking hell Lia, what were you thinking?!" Yeji frustratedly shouts at the girl

They're currently inside Ryujin's home and the latter hasn't come back yet.

Yeji got home and a messy house greets her, she immediately went to Ryujin's house only to confirm her premonition

"Don't shout at me, she deserves to know!" Lia yelled back while glaring at Yeji

Yeji facepalmed, she's preventing herself from spitting harsh words and hurt Lia

"I told you I got it, didn't I? I was supposed to be the one who's gonna tell her!" Yeji's eyebrows almost meeting because of anger

"Until when are you gonna keep it if you do? Yeji, I know you. You will never tell Ryujin what really happened. You weren't supposed to tell us not until your mouth slip," Lia glare at the girl, she feels dizzy and drained but she remain tough

"Ofcourse I'll tell her but now is not the right time, you were being impulsive Lia. Did you even think straight?" Yeji angrily said

"Lies. When are you gonna tell Ryujin? When she grows old of waiting for Yuna? Huh?" Lia's eyes started became watery, her emotions taking over again

"N-no," was the only word Yeji said

"Guys, stop it! L-let's just go and look for Ryujin, it's been an hour already." said Chaeryeong

"You guys stay here, i'll look for her myself." Yeji stare at Lia for a moment before going out

They had an argument again. Yeji nod her head at Chaeryeong as she walked out of the door

She enter her car, turn the engine on and immediately drove off. She started looking around the village, from the playground, stores, until she drive towards the park

Looking for Ryujin took her a lot of time, she's tired from work and now this thing greets her?

The sun is starting to rise, Yeji's feeling drowsy as she look around.

She went near the river as she inhaled the fresh air that's calming her mind

'Ryujin... where the hell are you?'

Yeji lost hope, she was ready to go home when she saw a familiar figure sitting in one of the benches

Her black hair stands out in the morning sun. She approached the girl as she quietly sat beside her.

She didn't talk but she noticed her puffy red eyes looking straight into the river.

"Ryujin, let's go home." Yeji softly spoke

But the latter didn't answer. She remain quiet.

"Ryujin..." Someone from behind hums walking towards them

"Uhm... do you know her?" Yeji asked the girl, holding two ice creams on her hand

"Yes, we're friends." The girl answered as she sat beside the sniffing Ryujin

"Yeji, you should go. I'll be back when my mind's clear." Ryujin forced a smile

"No, you're coming with me right now! Everyone's worried and you were just wandering here with some other girl?" Yeji exaggerated, she's so tired that she's not even thinking straight

"Wow," Ryujin mouthed as she smirks, her smiles hurt Yeji even more. Ryujin's acting tough when Yeji knew otherwise, Yeji felt embarassed for suddenly shouting at the girl

"C'mon Ryujin let's just go, Yuna wouldn't like it if she see you like this," Yeji grip her wrist and pulled her but Ryujin didn't budge

"Yuna again? HA! Until when is she gonna lie? Until when do I have to wait, huh Yeji?" Ryujin yelled

"Don't act as if you're not the only one hurting Ryujin! Do you think this doesn't affect me? Affect us? You're being selfish, you're only thinking about yourself. Did you even think about how Yuna feels?" Yeji bursts, her words felt like a knife getting stabbed right into Ryujin's chest

"Hey, stop it" Anais shush

"How can you say that?" Ryujin chuckled bitterly, "Yuna.... hurt me so many times but I still forgive her because I love her. I WAS willing to wait for her even if it takes years but this? Knowing she's g-getting married later.... hurts, it hurts Yeji. Don't tell me Yuna's hurting because she's not! She forgot me Yeji! She didn't even think of me. I'm always suffering because of her and now...." Ryujin's voice cracked, she buried her face in her arms as she started crying again

"Shhh, it's alright." Anais calms her down while caressing her back

Yeji froze, she was being insensitive. She felt horrible.

"Yuna loves you Ryujin, always remember that." Yeji guiltily said as she nods her head at Anais and walked away

"Stop crying, I may not know who Yuna is but everything's going to be alright. Sometimes, getting hurt because of someone means they are worth suffering for," Anais words left a mark on Ryujin.

'Until when Anais?'


I still don't know whether to put Anais as Ryujin's gf or her new friend, and I also don't want to portray Anais as someone from the idol world cuz i don't really ship Ryujin with someone except for the ITZY members, it's up to your imagination guys.

Thank you for reading. Ciao. Ciao.

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