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"you don't have to walk alone,"



There she is, the girl I love. The girl whom I can't forget eventhough I tried for several times

Ryujin is the girl who I can see myself spending the rest of my life with, why did I even kiss my ex back?

I sighed before approaching Ryujin at the stool bar crying her eyes out, she look wasted and in pain

Everyone is on their own world, not giving a single shit about their surroundings

My gaze turn to her.


The best girl, the first girl whom I saw my future with, the girl whose eyes are glittering whenever it meets mine. The girl I wanted to marry.

"Ryujin," I softly called her name

Her half closed eyes look upon me

She lean on me and she smells like tequila. She's drunk.

"Yuna," She stared back at me

It made my heart raced, it was the first time I heard her say my name. It feels like heaven when she said it right infront of me

She placed her hand on my cheek and leaned closer making our lips met

The kiss didn't last long, Ryujin pressed her forehead against mine and as she opened her eyes

We made eye contact but this one's different

Her eyes are empty, it's lifeless, it's not sparkling anymore like how it used to

"Yuna, remember that time when we first met?" asks Ryujin as she sobs

I can't explain what I'm feeling but I know that we are both in pain, especially her.

I hum, "I was annoyed of you but at the same time attracted, I don't know why I felt that when it's our first encounter ever. Maybe because I really liked your smile, y-your smile that brings joy to my h-heart." She shut her eyes as tears are falling non-stop while her arms are snaked around my waist

My lips quiver, I can't bare seeing her like this. I'm a piece of shit. She didn't do anything but to give me love and all I do is give her the pain she doesn't deserve

I clenched my fist, I wanted to punch myself. My chest tightened painfully as I watch her.

"I fucking love you Yuna. There I said it but it's okay if you don't love me back. I just want you to know how I really feel, i love you so much that it hurts right here." She opened her eyes and pointed at her chest, her face expression is giving me a heartache how can she still smile while crying?

"I love you too but this isn't right." I sadly stated as I run my fingers through her hair

"Can we talk... outside?" I nodded my head in response

She stood up her seat and brought the bottle of tequila in her hands

We ended up talking at the park. The cold wind passing through my face is quite calming

y so cold {ryuna/2shin}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora