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"When I first saw you, I saw love."


Two weeks passed by, the warm air hitting my face as I close my eyes is relaxing. I'm currently at a Park walking my new puppy Zeus. Yuna bought it for me last time, this is what she meant by telling me something and I really appreciate it.

But, after that day when Yuna cried on me, she never went back to my house. She will ignore my texts if not she'll say she's busy.

It's unconvincing knowing that I always see her lights still on in the middle of the night. I once saw her drinking a bottle of alcohol but when I asked she ignored me

I wanted to know what's wrong. Did I do something that she didn't like? Why was she avoiding me when we're in good terms before saying goodbye to each other?

Maybe I really did something wrong without knowing, and I need to talk to her about it because honestly it's not making me feel better at all

There's a part of me that's not functioning whenever she isn't around, I miss her already. It's like that time when I lost my parents.

I heave a deep sigh as I stare at the dark sky. I remember how I sometimes see stars in Yuna's eyes, it's ethereal her eyes are literally sparking whenever it meets mine.

How did it come to this?

"How are you?" I heard someone from behind making me startled from the sudden act

"H-hi, well uhm I'm alright, I guess?" I greeted her as I invited her to sit beside me

"I hope you are," Yeji sat beside me as we both fell into a pit of silence

The atmosphere between us is getting awkward but I don't think she feels the same way

Her eyes never leave where Zeus is running around at

"You know that's a special pup, I was supposed to buy it for Lia but Yuna got it first. I didn't know she'll give it to you knowing that she's allergy to dogs." Yeji giggled uncontrollably, her eyes meet mine

I don't know what to say to her, Yuna knew my old dog Shiva died last time that's why she bought me this cute little puppy but she didn't tell me she's allergic to one

Maybe that's it? Maybe it's becausw of the puppy, oh my gosh of course it is why am I so dumb?

A smile immediately plastered in my face, I felt relieved for a second

"So she's allergic to dogs, huh? I didn't know that," I smirked

"Yeah, don't tell her I told you that." Yeji chuckled

"How can I tell her when she's not talking to me?" My shoulders dropped instantly, I miss her so bad.

Yeji's smile slowly fade away as she avoided my gaze, her face showing a shocked expression. It seems like she realized something

"Are you alright?" I asked worriedly

"She haven't told you?" Yeji asked with wide eyes while I stare at her confusedly

"What is she going to tell me?" I asked curiously but my heart felt like going out of my chest.

"Yeji!" Lia shouted from behind interrupting our intense staring contest

"We will walk you home, it's cold. Let's go." Yeji stated her voice slightly shaky

I just nodded my head in response, she didn't answer my question

I look at Lia, she's chasing her breath as she walk towards Yeji and asked something before looking at me

Her eyes shows pity and sadness.


I carry Zeus and walked towards the two girls hugging each other, as I got near I saw Lia's swollen eyes. I asked her why but she said she watched a sad movie but I didn't believe her. She's hiding something, they're both hiding something from me.

On our way home no one dared to speak but when we reached the street Yeji pulled me by the arms and held my shoulders tightly

Her eyes brimming with tears, Lia tried to stop her but she didn't hold back.

"W-why? A-are you okay?" I'm nervous and worried at the same time, they won't tell me shit

"Ryujin, you need to talk to her. Just do it. I'm not the one who's gonna tell you about it, she needs to tell you the truth. I know you love each other. Talk to her before it's too late." Yeji sniffs as she let go of my shoulders and walked far enough to not hear her sobs

"Talk about what? What's happening? What do you mean? I don't understand a thing." I asked confusedly

Lia hugged me tightly as her eyes started shedding with tears. Why is everyone crying?

"Lia, tell me. What's this all about?" Lia let go of the hug and shook her head as an answer, it's frustrating.

"Okay, I just need to talk to her right?" I'm honestly annoyed by the fact that they don't get straight to the point

"Y-yeah, as soon as possible or maybe t-tomorrow 'coz tomorrow is the party, you're invited right?" Lia asked smiling but her eyes says the otherwise, she's hurting

What are they hiding from me?

"Yeah," I answered shortly

Yeji went near us her eyes swollen red and pulled Lia away after saying her goodbye to me

I watched the both of them walk inside their home. I'm uncomfortable and nervous, I feel like shit right now because of their sudden breakdown.

About Yuna too.

My gaze landed infront of me where Yuna's house at, the lights were off but I know she's in there.

I put Zeus inside my house and locked it before going to the other side of the street

I badly need to talk to her about what the two are talking about and us.

y so cold {ryuna/2shin}Where stories live. Discover now