Sagittarius: Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey look, Im not dead. Ehehe. So this is an idea that's been sitting in my head for a bit and here it is. I have another Fate x Boku no Hero idea lined up for after this but basically, I don't plan on writing any full arcs after the Raid and AfO battle for this. I might do the Chisaki Kai arc but that's a big might

There are some serious changes to Fate canon to make is plot-relevant, and also to the BNHA canon obviously. First of all, it's suspect that BNHA takes place sometime in the future rather than in present-day (as seen with the technology that is available). I saw a post on Reddit and another on Quora (since there's no concrete answer from Horikoshi-sensei) somewhere that stated that the timeframe is anywhere between 2100-2300. Chiron will refer to things in the past as being "over a hundred years ago", since I have no concrete timeline.

As for fate, Chiron is sorta a counterforce but doesn't have that whole emotionless thing that Emiya and Shiki had. Since he wasn't summoned as a counterforce and Gaia and Ayala didn't turn him into one, he's just a (now) immortal man just listening to the will of the Greater Gail. In this canon, the Apocrypha War ended a bit differently: Achilles and Chiron didn't fight to the death, though they did fight. Achilles did fight Atalanta in canon, but Chiron joined Sieg and Astolfo in stopping Amakusa in the hanging gardens. All three entered the Greater Grail and before Sieg took the Grail to the Reverse side of the world, the Grail offered Chiron his wish. In exchange for immortality, though, Chiron would take care of major evils ( *cough* AfO *cough* ) that humanity couldn't deal with itself. There's also a bunch of other things the Grail gives him but that's a later explanation.

Creative canon and all that jazz

Now, questions I can answer right away:

Q: Will there be other servants?
A: Yes. Astolfo, obviously, is involved but one more servant will be joining them and a number will be mentioned.

Q: Grail Wars?
A: Mentioned, but Chiron will not be actively partaking in any of them— just getting updates by the church

Q: How are the governments and mages taking this?
A: Some are probably salty. Greece's government is hyped up because that's one of the coolest legends just out and about now. Mages are wary but respect him.

I think that covers everything. Feel free to ask anything in the comments/reviews and stuff

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Also I forgo Wattpad existed, so there are 12 chapters going up within today and tomorrow since those are already up on FFN and AO3.


No one was exactly sure where Quirks stemmed from. Theories stretched from rats to nuclear radiation to even a divine sort of intervention. People were adamant that they didn't stem from Mages, that was for sure. No matter where he was, though, he would always be amazed by the diversity of Quirks. No matter what timeframe he was in either.

He was grateful for Quirks, actually. It allowed him to keep his identity a secret, not that he was really concerned about it. Being near-immortal had its advantages, but he still found himself on edge from time to time when faced with a truest malicious person.

For example, the appearance of the villain All for One decades ago was certainly enough to send anyone, immortal or otherwise, on edge. The last appearance of the man was in Japan and seeing how there was still a sharp sense of wrongness in the back of his mind, the villain wasn't gone.

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