Sagittarius: Chapter 20

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And we're back, baby! Sagittarius will continue onwards from here until the end of the Raid Arc. All the reviews from the last Sagittarius chapter are here, since I've been updating Two Heroes, Three Servants and I want to keep the reviews from each book in their respective ones. Also yes, you'll get a chapter tomorrow. I have it ready but also this one ahaha.


Gray found that she didn't like long bus rides. She already wasn't overly fond of trains after the Rail Zepplin incident, and being motion sick didn't help much either. Chiron had given her some medicine to help with the motion sickness and then Astolfo has suggested some music to help when she told them as such. She was grateful for both and ended up sitting at the front of the bus near Aizawa as they drove to the training camp. In the back, she knew that the other students were having fun talking and goofing off, but she was fine where she was.

Add was chewing on something, making soft clicking noises from where he was situated under her cloak. It probably some wrapper or something that Dark Shadow had slipped him. The two got along quite well and while she had no qualms against it, Tokoyomi seemed to be less fond of how loud and vulgar Add could get.

She pulled one of her earbuds out when she noticed Aizawa standing and looking towards the back of the bus. He was trying to tell them something but gave up as he turned back around with a sigh.

"You're not going to join in with that noise?" he asked her after a moment and she shook her head.

"Astolfo's the noisy one, not me," she said simply, putting her earbud back in. Maybe she'd try to convince the boy to quiet the others down a bit for the sleep-deprived man when they stopped at the hour mark of the trip.

She settled back in her seat, gazing out the window with a hum. She hoped that Chiron would make a bit more headway than before on his.... project.

He was going to get in trouble with the Hero Embassy, despite the Mages Community giving him the go-ahead. Gray wasn't even sure if the circuits of All Might and Endeavor could withstand the use of Noble Phantasms, but Chiron had assured her that it was going smoothly.

If that was 'smoothly' in the sense of going well, quickly, and painlessly or if it was 'smoothly' in the same way that he trained Achilles to dodge arrows, she wasn't sure. She worried more about Yagi's health than Mister Todoroki's inevitable bruising.

She sighed at the thought, shaking her head and looking back outside the window. It wasn't too long before she dozed off against it and it didn't feel like too much later before Aizawa nudged her awake.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning as the bus approached an outlook over the mountain road. It pulled into the dirt lot and Aizawa stood.

"Everyone off," he said flatly and with the noise that only the chatter of high school students could make, they all filed off the bus. Add grumbled a bit, but she ignored him as she took a breath of fresh air.

The scenery was nice, but aside from another car parked not too far to the side, it was void of anything else.


Oh no.

She managed to catch Aizawa's eye as he glanced over the students and the tiniest hint of a smirk could be seen on his lips. She glanced at Astolfo and his face seemed frozen in a bright, closed-eyed smile.

So he realized it too, then.

Some of the other students voiced their confusion as they glanced around and Gray tugged her hood down a bit more.

"It's been a long time, Eraserheaad!" a voice said, making her jump a bit. She turned her head a bit, glancing back.

"With sparkling eyes, we rock on!"

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