Sagittarius: Chapter 23

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I'm stressed as all hell so you guys can have this early. Everything else for this book is pretty much edited and stuff, so all that matters is getting it posted every Friday as usual. Please be safe with the virus spreading.


Chiron was exhausted.

Physically, he was fine. Slightly singed and he was certain that he looked like a mess, but fine nonetheless.

Mentally though? That was a whole different question.

Since the incident with Stain, Chiron had ended up with his free time divided between two very different men as his two personal projects.

One was Yagi Toshinori, who he had originally been working with from the beginning of the year. He had found that the blonde hero had untapped magical potential and with All for One at the edges of their senses, he wanted those dormant circuits working at full capacity. Heroes weren't one-trick ponies and if All Might could startle All for One enough by pulling his punches back and activating magic, that would be enough time for Chiron to get in a well-timed snipe to the head.

He also wanted to monitor his physical condition. He had developed a medicine that was for Yagi only, something that would keep him from dying as early as the blonde had predicted. It had extended his time at the cost of the man's strength, but it was hardly noticeable to the public eye. Chiron had a theory about One for All, but he'd have to look into it later— and ask Recovery Girl about it as well. Through medical examinations, he had discovered that the man only had one scar— a rarity for Heroes, even more so for one who was always so physical and practically in the thick of it all the time. That scar was the one that all but put a glaringly bright time stamp on his lifespan. There was a high chance that his current, skeletal form and the man's quirk were more connected than originally perceived. Still, that theory was something he'd have to look into much later.

The other person he was training was very different. He too had very strong circuits that had been dormant, but his attitude was standoffish at best and downright hostile at worst. His temper was as quick to flare up as his Quirk. This one was also getting a sped-up version of the training he had given Yagi, since Chiron wanted him ready as soon as possible.

This other man was Todoroki Enji.

And the two heroes did not get along with each other— well, Yagi tried to, the Elder Todoroki did not. Chiron suspected that their interactions were worse than the ones between Astolfo and Mordred.

Thank the gods he kept them separated, but the mere fact that Enji knew he was also working with Yagi drove the Flame Hero to push himself to the max. And by default, Chiron.

"Are you alright, Chiron?" Yagi asked as he walked over, setting the silver sword down on the ground before sitting next to him.

Chiron sighed, resting his head back against the wall. The two were currently in Gym Gamma and away from prying eyes. Ishiyama hadn't questioned them when they asked to use the gym, which was a relief.

The less who knew the better.

"Oh, yes," he said with a slight smile. "Just recovering from Endeavor, mostly." Yagi chuckled.

"That's right, you're also training him too, aren't you?"

"Mm. The both of you have insanely strong Circuits for not having them active at all, I'm just surprised neither of you showed any output of magic before now. You're both progressing nicely, but Endeavor seems to want to burn as bright as the Phantasm I'm lending him, without using it."

"Sounds rough," Yagi sighed as he picked his water bottle. "Todoroki always was like that, though."

Chiron nodded, silent for a bit. "I lectured the hell out of him a while ago, though," he said, "Actually, the first day of training was all lecture."

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