Sagittarius: Chapter 18

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Goodbye Astolfo...


Nezu had outdone himself this time.

Normally the terrains that were built and used for UA's classes were basic. Empty cities and neighborhoods, rocky plains and empty construction sites, and fields and open amphitheaters.

Nezu, Maijima, and Ishiyama, along with a construction team, had created a replication of Trifas based on images and details of the village and other Romanian villages. For Astolfo and himself, it brought back memories. For Gray? Well, she would have to deal with Astolfo and his sense of direction between the winding streets and numerous buildings.

For Chiron, the buildings and streets wouldn't be an issue, since he hadn't moved from his spot on a bell tower. The gate was behind him, but there was no way from the sides to get there. The area was specifically designed for the Rider and Assassin to attack directly... If they could even get close enough, that is. He was an Archer first, after all and both of the other Servants knew that he wasn't going to go easy on them.

His eyes glowed as he zeroed in on the two Servants, weaving between buildings, and his fingers twitched before an arrow materialized. The Archer shifted before he fired, shooting the ground in front of Astolfo. The Rider backed up, head looking up towards his direction before he grabbed Gray and ducked inside a building.

His eyes narrowed before he materialized three arrows, firing them as three streaks of blue light shot out from one of the windows. Gray had transformed Add into a bow it seemed. It was interesting, though her marksmanship had some skill to be desired.

"Changing up Add's form on the fly, now? Interesting... the extent of that Code... I wonder..." he said with a smile as the arrows collided with one another. His gaze landed on the Rider and Assassin as they made their way through the town. To a normal man, it would be impossible to see them, but he was far from a normal man. From the distance between them and him was far less than the distance that had been between him and Atalanta the first time they had fought in Trifas, but it was still impressive.

He only hoped that the cameras were picking up everything and that a good number of the students were still conscious.

He let out a breath, watching as Gray and Astolfo made their way closer before he fired off several more arrows. The two would have to think of a better way to get close enough, though they were making decent time running through back alleyways and staying out of the open for longer than needed. More shots of blue broke him from his thoughts, though he easily countered them with his own arrows.

"Goodness, I'm getting bored up here," He sighed as he watched Astolfo and Gray move through the town again. While Gray's full range of abilities was still a mystery to him, he knew that Astolfo didn't have anything that could be considered ranged unless he wanted to risk a Class change or injury to Gray. His sword in his Saber form had an impressive reach, but his La Black Luna would have been able to do much more damage— that is, if Gray wasn't with him. The noise from the horn would leave Gray disoriented if she was anywhere nearby, and in an enclosed space like this, she would have to be.

No, Astolfo wasn't suited for Ranged combat during the daylight hours.

"Well, since I'm bored, let's take care of some of these buildings in the way," he said before his hand glowed and a golden light spread from his hand across his bow. The golden weapon shifted color, changing to the same black bow that Atalanta used. Two arrows materialized in his free hand and he knocked them both. He pointed the bow up towards the sky and fired both of them. He spared a glance towards Astolfo and a look of recognition was seen in the Rider's eyes.

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