Sagittarius: Chapter 26

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The final legs of the journey are coming to a close... The social distancing/quarantine/lockdown has me speed writing everything and editing real fast, so this chapter and the next are all edited and ready for upload. I'm not sure who's still following this fanfiction, but remember to stay safe! Wash your hands! For anyone who is also reading Breath of the Void, that's coming out today as well.


As soon as the Rider had hit the ground, Gran Torino had zipped him to where Gang Orca was collapsed. With any luck, the prone heroes would be kept out of the fight. In the same instance, Gray and Musashi were working on rescuing the woman.

"Hmph," All for One schooled his shock before he readied another blast. Musashi pulled the woman onto her back before leaping up and out of the way, Gray following closely as a second blast was released.

Chiron and All Might dodged, the Archer releasing another rain of arrows— most of which were bat away with a flick of the man's wrist, but some managed to pierce his defenses. All Might, despite his weakened and half transformed state, rushed at the Villain, throwing another super-powered punch that was blocked. All for One tossed All Might aside before raising a hand to blast Chiron. He only ended up getting shot again before the Villain had to turn his attention elsewhere to block arrows from Gray. Musashi grabbed Gray as she ran past, a blast of red-edged black lightning striking the spot where she had been a moment after. Gran Torino rocketed past the two, striking All for One in the face before bouncing off and landing by Chiron. The aged hero continued his assault before the villain smacked him away, effectively ridding himself of the arrows that were headed his way as well.

"A valiant effort," the man said, arms swelling before he snapped his fingers. Gray yelped as metal wrapped around her leg, keeping her in place. In the split second it took for her to look at what was keeping her stuck the villain had already fired a blast at her. Both Musashi and Chiron lunged to intercept the blast but All Might was quicker, rebuffing it with one of his punches and kicking up a cloud of dust and wind. Gran Torino leaped forwards, catching Musashi— who had been the closest— as she flew back. Chiron landed on his side before rolling onto his feet, wincing before he gasped softly when the dust started to settle.

All Might stood there, fist raised but in his true form. Gray had been thrown to the ground behind him from the blast, but was otherwise unharmed.

Her eyes were wide as she gazed up at All Might, though.

"Mister All Might—"

"Are you unharmed, Young Gray?" he asked, spitting blood onto the ground with a painful-sounding cough. She nodded, gripping Add tightly as the metal let go of her. "Yes— but why— I- I—"

"Because," the man said, clenching his fist tightly and his blue eyes burned like flames. "I'm a hero."

"How utterly regretful," All for One sighed, though there wasn't an ounce of regret in his words as he flicked his hand, using metal sheets from the rubble underfoot to block Chiron's arrows.

"But it was only inevitable, I was planning on revealing all of your lies that were built up either way," the villain continued, "Those hollow cheeks! Those sunken eyes! A pitiful excuse of a hero, if I've ever seen one!"

He stretched his arms out before startling a bit as Musashi started to laugh. The woman's grin was more of a snarl as she rushed the villain. Her blades clashed with arms wrapped in metal before she was forced back.

"If sunken eyes and hollow cheeks mean you can't be anything great then you're nothing, you faceless potato fuck!" she snarled. "He lives and breathes, does he not? To have weakness and not be who people assume is what makes a hero!"

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