6 | hard work

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He shrugged lightly, "No need to apologize, you look cute."

Cute, huh?

I smiled again and nodded, "Thanks, I'll give it back when I get my shirt cleaned."

"No need, it fits you good," he teased.

I shoved him playfully, pressing my hands against his chest. He stepped back a little and rose an eyebrow, "That all you got, Greenie?"

I groaned, "I guess, you're impossible!"

He dismissed my comment and called the blonde boy over. He introduced him as Zart. "He's the track-hoe keeper." he stated.

"I thought you were the keeper?" I uttered out, remembering back to my conversation with Chuck.

He snickered a little, "No, that's all Zart."

The tall pale boy rolled his green eyes, "Not like he listens to me. Mr. Second in command has everything figured out."

I snorted at the nickname, although Newt was not as pleased. He glared daggers at Zart before the much taller keeper raised his hands up in defeat. I shook my head, "I just came to help," I mentioned, changing the subject, "Alby said I needed to try it out."

Zart smiled warmly at me, "Sure thing! You can help Newt here with the weeds."

The second in command gleamed, "Good that!"

A couple hours had passed, maybe 3 at most. My face was covered in sweat to the point where I had to pull my hair back with a small dark green ribbon. That was about an hour and a half ago.
Newt was on the opposite side me, straight across. He was working on tying some vines to the post as I picked the fresh tomato's off. I took a second to just admire him, the way his face contorted with irritation as he struggled to keep the vine still and the way he gently moved his hands to push it back in place. He glistened with sweat, caused by the hot sun over head. His face softened as he finally tied the vine down. I felt like I could just stare at him for hours.

"Bailey," Zart's harsh tone brought me back to reality, "Stop gushing over Newt for three seconds please."

I immediately looked away and continued picking the ripe red fruits. I could hear the keeper's small snigger from behind.

Yea, that was so funny.


I looked up at Newt as he smiled down at me, "Just ignore him, love."

I nodded and got back to work.

Zart wasn't wrong though. Maybe I just needed to focus on being a track-hoe right now. It was only the second day, I couldn't afford to get distracted.

About another hour passed before we set down our tools and headed to lunch. Newt led me up to the kitchen. There was a bigger dark toned boy standing at the end of a long line. He was handing out food. I assumed he must have been a cook.
I walked slowly through the line, plate in hand.
As we neared the end, the cook gave Newt and I a light smile before setting the pork and zucchini onto our plates. "Thanks, Fry." Newt noted, heading to a table towards the back.

I mouthed a little thank you to Fry and stumbled after Newt. He sat down near Minho, Gally, Chuck, and two other boys I've never met. One had a much longer face, his dark brown hair curved across his forehead peacefully as the other was much shorter, his jaw ridged sharply under his mouth, making his face more rectangle shaped. Everyone smiled as I sat down next to Newt.
Gally was the first to say anything, "Have fun in the fields?" he asked, resting his fork next to his plate.

It took me a moment to realize that he was directing the question to me. I looked up and smiled softly, "It was alright."

"She did really well," Newt commented.

I grinned at him before he patted my knee. Gally scoffed, "I think you'd fancy being a builder more."

"Slim it, Gally." Newt muttered, obviously pissed off that he mentioned anything.

Gally rolled his eyes, "You're only saying that because you want to look at her all day."

Newt glared at him, his eyebrows sinking down to the bridge of his nose. It was much more of a colder look then he normally made. "I said, slim it slinthead." he replied.

Gally rolled his eyes before he stood up quickly and marched away, leaving his plate behind. Chuck shrugged and began to eat from it.

The shorter boy, I mentioned earlier, spoke up; giving me a small reminder that they were still there, "I'm Jeff, by the way," he smiled pointing to the other boy next to him, "And this is Winston."

Winston waved and I smiled in return, "Nice to meet you guys. I'm Bailey."

Minho spoke next, letting his elbows rest on the table, "You thinking about becoming a track-hoe?" he asked in a more aver tone.

I shrugged, "Maybe, I like working out there but it might not be the perfect fit."

"I think you did bloody brilliant." Newt responded, setting his fork down calmly. His tone completely changed after his argument with Gally.

I looked over and smiled at him, "Thanks."

"Alright well, there's a ton of other jobs out there, so don't worry too much about it," Minho announced, "these dumb shanks might just do anything for you."

I giggled at the idea, imagining them waiting on my hand and foot. Jeff picked up his plate and stood up, "She may just become the princess of the glade." he teased.

That got a good laugh out of everyone as the boy walked away.

Soon, it was just Newt and I at the table. His hand still rested on my knee as I finished eating. I didn't realize that he hadn't moved it till now. He then sighed and looked over at me, "Back to work?" he asked, getting ready to stand up.

I scooped one more bite of zucchini into my mouth, giving him a thumbs up.

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