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Ok, this isn't the actual Team Valiant, it's just an interpretation, with everyone, not just Biana, Dex,  Sophie, Wylie, and Stina. Also this chapter has some texting. All texts are italicized.

"M-me?" Sophie gasped. Team Valiant was an elite group of high school and college students who were basically in charge of the city, second only to the mayor. They attended town meetings and were respected by everyone. The leader of Team Valiant was an old man named Mr. Forkle. 

"Yes. There are actually a few kids from your grade who I'm recruiting. Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker, Dex Dizznee, Keefe Sencen, Stina Heks, Tam Song, and Linh Song." 

"I know everyone on there except for Tam and Linh."

"Tam and Linh are a pair of twins. They've had a rough past, but they're going to start attending Foxfire High soon."

"Oh, that's cool."

"You don't have to make any decisions right now, just come to my office when you've decided."

"Ok, thanks Principal Leto! Before you go, I wanted to ask you a question. Do you work for Team Valiant or something because isn't Mr. Forkle supposed to recruit us?"

Principal Leto chuckled. "You'll find out why I recruited you if you join. Best of luck, Miss Foster." With that, Principal Leto left the room. Once Grady and Edaline saw him leave, they rushed into the room.

"What did he want?" they asked.

"H-he asked me to join Team Valiant!"

"That's amazing Sophie! What did you say?" Edaline said.

"Is that safe?" Grady asked, concerned.

"I didn't make my decision yet. He said I can go to his office to tell him once I've made up my mind.

"Smart girl," Edaline said. "Just know that Grady and I will support you in whatever you decide to do, isn't that right, Grady?"

"Of course," Grady agreed, though it sounded very forced.

"Well I'm going to go upstairs now. Goodnight mom and dad!" Sophie said.

"Goodnight sweetie!" Edaline called.

"Make good decisions," Grady called up after Edaline. Right before Sophie closed her door, she heard Edaline mutter something to Grady about being less protective. When Sophie got to her room, she checked her phone to find a text from a number she hadn't seen before.

Hi Sophie! It's Keefe, it read. Sup?  Sophie rolled her eyes. Of course Keefe would text her. She was about to respond, when she realized that she'd never given him her number. 

Thumbs flying across the keyboard, she responded, How did you get my number?

His reply came almost immediately. Kind of a long story... So once I got back, Dex got a call from his mom, and I realized that Edaline and Juline were friends, so I asked Dex if he had your number, and he said that his mom had given it to him for emergencies, so yeah.

Oh, well I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.

Night Foster. Sophie laid down and fell asleep almost immediately. Her dreams were filled with sparkly flying alicorns, castles, and unimaginable riches, like usual.

Ugh, this one is short, too! Sorry, I'm trying to do better. Hope you're enjoying it!

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