Scene 2 - Thunderbird 5 tracking position

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Hovering over the Earth, Thunderbird 5! John floating around in his ship when he begins monitoring the VGR with another holographic display, and John tracking to where it will hit, an oncoming passenger vessel orbiting around the Earth – a direct collision. John taps on the building marked at Atlantica.


Atlantica, this is International Rescue. We are tracking your VGR rocket, why has an unauthorized missile been launched?

Sergeant Dalton:

International Rescue? Thank goodness. Sir, International Rescue.

Colonel Henderson:

International Rescue. Wait, International Rescue? Here, let, me! Hello, hello. International Rescue there, is that you Jeff? Oh. You must be one of his sons. God, I can't believe you sons were able to rescue your father...


Sir - the missile. Why was an unauthorized VGR rocket launched from Atlantica?

Colonel Henderson:

Well... We don't understand... We think...

Sergeant Mantez:

The Colonel launched a VGR Rocket to see it launch for no reason. And then the rocket couldn't destruct.

Colonel Henderson:



Colonel, you should know that you can't launch from Atlantica without authorization from the World President. What do you have to explain for yourself?

Colonel Henderson:

Don't put me in my place International Rescue. The responsibility was mine, and mine alone. Now you're the ones who have to stop that rocket from killing anyone. Is that understood?

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