Scene 6 - Thunderbird 2 Arrival at Atlantica

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We see Atlantica Island from a view in the middle of the ocean, Thunderbird 2 flying in the centre on course for the missile site. The ship heads over to the launch pad and the blasters point downwards as Thunderbird 2 neatly lands on the platform as the engines groan down. Mantez and the Colonel watch outside by the walls with the sealed entrance and the armed guards stand alert outside.

Colonel Henderson:

Quite an entrance.

The lift at the front of the craft opens from the "2" logo, and Virgil, Gordon, Brains and Max step off, with the lift returning upwards. They greet the Colonel and Sergeant Mantez.


Hay, International Rescue at your service.

Colonel Henderson:

Ah, you two must be Jeff's boys. And I can see the relation.


Erm, Colonel H-Henderson, I don't think this is-s the t-time to be waff-ffling. We don't have t-time to waste.

Colonel Henderson:

Quite young man. Quite. Carry on Mantez.

Sergeant Mantez:

Yes sir.

The entrance begins unlocking and opening.


Cool. Atlantica! All those cool missiles ready to launch and blast off!


Gordon. They were put away for a reason.


True. What does MAX think of Atlantica?

We hear his voice box bleeping, his response. Not that Gordon can make much sense of it.

Ugh. Guess so Max.

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