Scene 10 - Tensions

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We've returned to Tracy Island. The sun begins setting beautifully as the sky and aqua blue sea begin changing to a pretty ruby red. The calm seas of the island sway onto the rocks gently whilst inside the lounge of the family are the boys sat around the sofas including the sulking miserably Brains, as well as Kayo and Grandma. Jeff stands in the middle, briefing the family once more.


Members of International Rescue, the World President gives us his thanks in aiding the disaster of Atlantica from earlier today. And also the recovery of the passengers of Fireflash who would have perished if we had not been at their aid. Brains? Hiram, are you ok?


No Mr.T-Tracy. I s-still c-can't get over what hap-ppened to MAX earlier.


But Brains, we still have the data chip. MAX is still safe.


Yes. I know. But all his spare parts.


Try not to worry about it dear. You're always helping MAX grow stronger and more efficient. This time, MAX will be twice as strong.


You're right M-Mrs. Tracy. Of course.


Good man. I didn't ask about what the World President will exactly do now with that Colonel Henderson. Nobody could ever stand him.


Oh yeah. When we got back, the two officers at Atlantica and the remaining staff have all been recruited to the GDF by the World President himself. Since he was so grateful for saving him from the Los Angeles Car-Vu.


And Colonel Henderson?

Virgil cracks up again.


You really don't want to know.


No Virgil, because you can tell us about it in the morning. It's getting late and you all need your rescue sleep.


Aw! What? That's not fair! At this time?


Yeah, what do you mean rescue sleep? We're fine grandma.


Listen to your grandma boys. It's time you all got some rest. Go to bed.

They begin leaving, the Tracy boys disappointedly in particular. As Jeff returns towards his desk, Scott is the last to head out.


He turns back around to his father.

I'd like a word. Come here.

He heads back over to the desk.

You seem unusually quiet this evening, Scott. Something bothering you?


Well... Yeah. About what happened in the Fireflash. When I snapped.


No Scott. It was my fault. I shouldn't have called in the middle of a rescue.


But its just weird now. For so many years the responsibility was all up to me. And now it is up to you. But it doesn't feel right. It feels strange.


You're just doing your job son. Don't worry about it.


Yeah. I just feel like after all this time that I was in command. And I just thought I wanted to tell you.


You did the right thing son. I'm your dad, remember. And your mother would say the same too.


F.A.B. But at least we're together again.


Yes son.

They smile at one another.


It won't happen again, will it?


No Scott. Better get some rest now son.


Yes dad. Goodnight.


Goodnight Scott.

Scott departs, as Jeff turns around on his chair to face the sea. Watching the sways of the water delicately brush along the ocean happily as the sky turns to night, staring back up deep into the stars, drifting and ponder to himself...


(End credits)

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