Scene 7 - U007810810

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The VGR Rocket is gaining ever and ever closer towards the sluggish passenger vessel, with Thunderbird 3 still following alongside, as we see the shot of Thunderbird 3 and the VGR rush off into space with a tiny grey dot incoming from the right slowly – the U007! We now have a shot alongside the VGR and Thunderbird 3 behind it.


Ten minutes until collision Scott.


I know. They'd better hurry. Is there any way we can delay the rocket or shift it off its trajectory?


Scott, no. It's too risky.


Base from Thunderbird 3, dad is there any way we can shift the rocket so we can perhaps try and knock it off course?


No son. Wait for Brains to run his analysis at Atlantica.


But dad, we don't have much time left.


I know Scott. Just be patient. How's the situation with the UOO7 coming?


The driver hasn't told the passengers about it. And it's a good thing he hasn't otherwise they'll start panicking.


That's it! That's it! We ourselves can try and divert the U007 off course so it misses the rocket!


Carry on Scott!



Thunderbird 3 races up further into space, rocketing past the VGR. Meanwhile, Mantez, Virgil, Gordon, Brains, and MAX rush down the endless and seemingly identical corridors to reach the control centre, hurrying as fast as possible.

Sergeant Mantez:

This way International Rescue!


As dad says, every second counts!

The Colonel is left staggering behind, with his sweating uniform and his bright red cheeks, panting heavily.

Colonel Henderson:

Phew! Too much exercise! Maybe that metal thing will give me a ride.


(Shouting down the corridor) His name is M-Max!

The Colonel continues. Now, Thunderbird 3 catches up with the passenger vessel, flying alongside it too.


Ok dad, we're alongside. U0078..., ugh, it's too long. Thunderbird 3 to Passenger Vessel, we're just going to shift you off course by a few degrees which should hopefully be enough.


Ok International Rescue. Standing by.


Engaging link up.

The closest arm on Thunderbird 3 reaches out and locks onto the roof's ship.

Link up complete. Now let's get you in the clear!

Thunderbird 3, attached with the passenger ship begins pivoting towards the left, until in the U007...

Thunderbirds Are Go!: MalfunctionWhere stories live. Discover now