Scene 6 - Thunderbird 1 is GO!

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The music commences! Kayo dashes to the two black chairs, once seated she is lowered downwards underground. It is wheeled along and the seats are turned to the passage read "2". She suits up. Her boots placed at her feet. The pads placed on her arms – and so forth. The chair is lifted towards the main hatch at Thunderbird 1, as the glass is opened, and jumps out. The chair is reversed back and the hatch sealed once more. She heads up to the control console which has been folded into the craft and the other hatch sealed again. Now at the controls, she pulls the handlebars forward as Thunderbird 1 is wheeled up the ramp into the launch bay – as the lights brighten up. The swimming pool is opened up. Thunderbird 1, now ready to launch. 5...4...3...2...1! KABOOM! Thunderbird 1 takes off! It zooms out from the pool! Rising into off Tracy Island, and into the skies.


Thunderbird 1 is GO!

She pushes the handlebars down again, as Thunderbird 1 changes to horizontal flight.

ETA to the danger zone, fifty minutes Scott.


F.A.B. Virgil will be arriving soon.


Cool Scott. Woah, she's certainly different from Thunderbird Shadow.


Yeah, she is alright. But I want her in one piece Kayo.


Consider it done!

Thunderbird 1 accelerates off out of range, hurrying for the danger zone...

Thunderbirds Are Go!: MalfunctionWhere stories live. Discover now