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Welcome, my name is devin zimmerman. I am here to go over a little game commonly known as "face your fears". Now most people have never heard of this game as neither did I, so one day when i was 19 and i was hanging out with my friend's and i asked them "you guys feel like going to the mall?" My friend noah injected "yeah man maybe we could get some new games to play" Now to add a little backstory this was around the time when everything was going digital like virtual reality systems, games, and even cars as well. So long story short everything is ran by a computer. However, me and my friends didn't care we love the life we live so when we got to the mall we began to wonder if there was a new game put at all. In search for our new game, we went to the first store that popped in our heads and collectively said it at once "GAMESTOP!". Like small children running for ice cream but, the only issue was that we couldnt find gamestop anywhere in the mall. So we walked around looking for the store but with no luck we stopped and asked for help. Out of all people in the mall only one man helped us (a strange man but no one thought twice) which he gave us the direction to the gamestop. "BEHOLD!" Shouted noah. "IT IS THE ALL MIGHTY STOP OF GAMES!" we all stopped and stared at him questioning why he would be yelling in the middle of a mall. "Are you alright dude? Did you steal your dad's drugs or something" I smirked. "No I'm just excited to get a new game...dick" replied noah. Once we got to the store it felt like an hour later but all we cared about was getting a new game to play, lucky there was this game called "face your fears" it seems like a game we can all get into just there was nothing about it and I've never heard of it. The other strange thing about this trip is that there was no one else in the mall, and the same guy we asked for directions before worked here. "Am I the only one who has an uneasy feeling?" I questioned to my friends. Everyone else shook their heads no and continued into the store, I even contemplated on going in but because my friends are here I didn't wanna seem like I was scared or something. Once we all bought the game we were headed home and noticed that the game case said one thing "your soul is your payment to this game...earn it by beating us or lose your soul for eternity" sounded like a catchy game objective to me but again seemed odd. Once we all got back to our houses we at once played "face your fears" to challenge eachother but there was only one thing that was wrong...

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