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He got back into position to catch up I pulled out my gun and start shooting at them but he pulls out his weapon and shot out one of my tires I swerved off the track almost I told Nathan Take the Lead after he took the lead I started following we were one more turn before the finish line I was in the back of the pack and Devin was right there next to me I pulled out an Uzi and start shooting at them he starts slowing down and gets behind me that's when I noticed what he was trying to do so I put uzi down he is trying to make me waste all my bullets but I figured out his twin once he knew that I knew was planned he started to slow down more that's when I caught up with the team everybody asked me what the hell is that about I replied he was trying to make me waste all my ammo to where I wouldn't have any weapons that's when everybody said that sneaky bastard once we finished the race we got more weapons and more ammo and a little bit of armor then we took off from the track on to the next level but I felt like someone was following us next thing I noticed as I look into the rearview mirror and noticed Devin was right behind me Devon got out of the car and onto the roof and jumped onto the truck that's when I put a brake on the gas pedal and got out of the truck myself he wanted to talk but I wasn't going to let him I threw a punch at him and somehow he dodged it he tackles me onto the roof of the truck while it's still moving that's when everybody asked me is everything okay I didn't respond so everybody slowed down and got behind me and saw what happened Devin had me by the throat and told me next time you want to take a shot at me you better shoot me not the car I told him oh you will be dead sooner or later I just don't know what I do want to kill you Devin started the laugh and that's when I started to notice Devin wasn't alone two other vehicles started pulling up and I tried yelling to everybody watch out there's more coming but no one heard me Nathan was trying to radio in saying there was two more cars coming after us but I couldn't tell him because Devon still have me by the throat we're coming up on to operate a very low bridge that's when I was thinking if he stays on the truck long enough I can at least get rid of him for now Devin kept on rambling about how I f***** his life up and how he's going to take my soul we got a we got 500 ft towards the bridge the bridge was very close now now is my chance to have action he was still on top of me holding me by the throat just rambling his mouth that's when I told Devin guess what he said what at least you're the only one that's going to fall for right now he looked up I pushed him upwards towards the bridge he hits the metal beam and flies off the truck I waited until we got off the bridge to get back into my truck everybody started panicking because the two cars wouldn't go away I told then get into basic removers and destroy those cars Nathan had no choice two ran me out of the way so I can get in the back once I got into the back that's what I noticed those cars are friendly but I don't know how the devil knew that I needed more help....

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