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After we started heading out we started to notice that the road was only going to get crazier from now on how was I able to see my daughter when she is born I started thinking all these thoughts right after we left to head to the next level but everybody was still by my side wondering if I was okay Nathan started the asked me if I needed anything I denied it quickly he started to ask me what was wrong I wouldn't answer him for a while after we got to where we were able to rest I asked Nathan the talk with me personally after I asked him that we both walked away from the group I started to ask him what if we can't get out of this game and time what if we won't survive he quickly cut me off ,Devin listen we're all going through a tough time I can understand where you're coming from 2 but we all have to stick together for once this ain't like GTA this is not like any other game we have played before we all just need a little rest that's all, I replied, honestly I really wish we could just go back home live our normal lives once again so we don't have to deal with this b******* I'm tired of living in a world of regret right now did you even hear what he said though Nathan replies yes I did he said that we're all pretty much zombies I replied quickly and you know what that means it means that we're going to die anyways if we don't get out of this game virginity regardless if it's not buy this game it's going to be our lives anyways all because everybody has to die sometime Nathan replied I know that but hey let's go get some rest you look like you need it I replied okay I'll keep watch for the first hour and then I'll wake you up so you can watch for an hour just to keep an eye on everybody one at a time., after we all went to bed everything started to come together why we were in this game why the devil won't let us help right away I didn't realize the pattern until the devil threatened me with my daughter that has not even been born yet he wants me to surrender my life so my daughter won't have a father pretty much like my real dad he was never there for me I only had a stepdad that would be there sometimes but he's going to make me act like my real father. The next morning we all woke up the devil's just staring at us watching us sleep as I start to open my eyes I saw him he told me not to yell he wanted to talk to me I asked him you trying to make me feel like my real father aren't you the devil replies maybe maybe not or I'm just trying to teach you a lesson I replied what do you mean by a lesson what do you want from me because I know you don't want our souls I try to teach her something right when you're doing a bad job of trying to scare us because honestly you have some of the toughest people in here even knowing you tricked my friends to get into this game and you trapped me inside way before I met you we would always work like a crew so why now why trying to ruin my life now it's not like you're going to hurt me or anything like that to be honest I think it's just kind of pointless for what you trying to do the devil replies honestly Devin you are right I'm trying to teach you guys a lesson but not one that my brother would teach you guys I'm trying to teach you guys everything could go away in an instant by screwing your guys's life's up I'm trying to teach you that no matter what you can't always fix your own life you could always get out of this game I replied what do you mean but I can always get out of this game is there something you're not telling us like if we say that we won't mess up our lives again that you will let us out the devil replies not exactly I'm trying to say did you guys admit to yourselves and to each other that you guys have fucked each other's lives up maybe just maybe I will cut you guys at work have you guys kick the next level there's only three levels left and then you guys can go home but if you guys and absolutely want to say that you guys want to keep going with the game without skipping Browns so be it I'm just trying to lead you guys one step closer to Victory and having your guys's life back but I understand you guys have worked so hard we get to this point I'll see you guys at the next level when everybody wakes up just to let you know Devin I'm sorry for ruining your life but not very often I am sorry about anything and you should know that just ask my brother in Jesus I'm a fallen angel I always have and always will be that's why I control the gates of hell Damned control this game if you guys want out of this game it is not that easy, I replied what do you mean, the devil replies I mean you have to have a lot of nerves to take me down

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