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After we saw the demon we all started the panic and run I started the yo guys get your asses over here Nathan tried shooting at the demon but the demon was he being phased by the bullet we had to try to figure out what the hell we had to do to kill this thing the devil started to laugh in my ear even knowing he was not Gary I was starting to think that the devil was trying to play games with us and start messing with our brains so I tried to say something but everybody kept on screaming and panicky so I decided to grab my gun I'm not off everybody started following fight they couldn't see me after we got into the fog when I ran off I went to go find some more weapons I forgot to tell them what I was doing so I left them behind when I left them behind. I told Nathan before we saw the demon by any means if I ever run off it's either a I'm going to grab more ammo or be I'm going to try to find more weapons or some food when Nathan come find me he had a be in command until I got back Noah's started being a smart-ass and started shooting at the demon even knowing the demon was not being phased he was wasting his there no but I came back with a tank that I found in a ditch once I got back I told everybody to Piolin we all piled in and try getting out of there but the demon was still faster than us so we had no choice to run once we got for a little village that's when we started to panic again because there was he only just one demon there was two we didn't see the second one until it jumped off of the building that's when I was thinking what the hell is going on is he absolutely trying to kill us eating knowing every single one of us still had our three lives didn't mean that if one of us loses of life there going to be closer to where their soul is going to get taken with all that being in our minds we try the best to stay alive we found a building that was torn down so we got out of the tank after we shot one round at the demon it's loaded down but it didn't stop it after we got into the building that's when I started to recognize where we were at the village that we were supposed to be in was no Village place that we were at was my old hometown once I found that out I knew where exactly where we were we're at a place called McDonald's we were hiding in the basement all because we didn't want to be seen but the demons could smell fear so we had to keep on running but we did take a rest for a second just the make sure everybody was okay after the demon sound us that's when we started to run again I told everybody to follow me that's when we went to my old elementary school once we got there I started having flashbacks of when I was a kid my principal used to tell me keep your head up Stand Tall one of these days you will ever succeed in life don't let the bad things get you down when I had that flashback I started to realize that when he said that I knew I f***** my life up anyways Nathan started to ask me what's wrong I didn't tell him anything Noah started to panic and pisses pants I told Noah calm down everything's going to be alright we just need to find our way out of me is a change of pants because I could smell the piss from here after I said that no one said screw you this because you can smell more better than what I can and does it mean you got a f****** call it out and embarrass me I just told him to shut the f****** all because the demon was right outside it was something about that building that the demon could not get him we went to my old puppies luckily I still remember where all of them were we found snacks food drinks guns ammo and a bazooka I grabbed the Bazooka in told then I'll be back I went into the gymnasium the blow up a door that had chains on it once I open that door there was a portal I told everybody everybody get in the portal now I don't know where this leads but I hope it leads us somewhere safe once we got into the portal it was all pitch black Nathan was wondering what the hell is going on why is this room so Pitch Black I told him I don't know but honestly I don't like it next thing we know we have four big screens around us with the devil's face the devil was saying congratulations you made it out of that one but the worst has yet to come I hope you all are having fun facing your fears actually to be honest I love feeding on your fears all because once you guys die I will not have no choice to feed on their flesh the Flesh of your fears I say that ask him why are you even bringing that up even though when the game is called a shift gears does it mean that you had to feed on a flush either the devil replied honestly Devon for Dennis whatever you call yourself you need to stop trying to say that you're the best of the Fest you're the one who created this game in the first place and you got trapped in here so I took your place anyways I replied we get that but here's the thing I'm tired of being your f****** puppet I'm tired of being in you I have a beautiful girlfriend...

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