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I'm tired of being in your game I have a beautiful girlfriend the devil replied do you even though I thought she left you I replied what do you mean she left me the devil replied you've been in this game for three f****** days now so don't pitch at me she's been trying to get your attention but since you're in this game you can't really hear anything all because your mortal body in the real world is like a zombie so if you guys want to test me I cut the devil off saying if you just made me lose the love of my life I am going to f****** kill you the devil replied I would like to see you try unless you don't want to see your beautiful daughter grow up I guessed inside daughter what do you mean by Daughter the devil reply oh you don't know she's pregnant with your kid but you wouldn't have known that since you've been ignoring her for three days playing this game and to be honest it is yours but here's the thing you won't be able to save her I replied what do you mean by that what do you mean I will be able to save her I'm tired of your goddamn games tell me the devil laughed aggressively inside you kill me I would love to see that happen and to be honest what's your Christian aunt is not going to help matters my aunt told him to shut the f****** he laugh and said I'll see you guys soon all four screens disappeared and then we heard like a clicking noise after we heard the clicking noise we fell through the ground everybody was panicking because we didn't know if we were going to die or not honestly once we hit the ground we were hurting I started to get up and then I saw a light once I Saw The Light it was that little girl that we found earlier she kind of disappeared from us during the demon situation after she got up to me I asked her why are you down here how the hell did you get down here in the first place she replied I don't know when we were in that vehicle it was like everything got black for a second then I ended up down here after I got down here I've been starving been trying to find you guys ever sent I started to ask so what do we do now why is he doing this to us it's like he wants us to stay in the game he's trying to make the game harder so we won't win now I figured out his plan he's trying to take our souls on purpose so we won't return to our families we got to get to the next level quick before we all die in you that's what I said that you got locked and loaded and headed out.

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