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When he said we're running out of time I only thought of how we first got the game the guy said our soul is our payment once I realized what he meant I told everybody that this game is like the devil's Realm and once I said that the guy from Gamestop said his name he said well you figured it out yes this is kind of like a hell but you have to beat the game to get out of it my name is Dennis nice to meet you and yes I am the king of this place some people may call me the devil a lot of people call me Satan but I want you guys to call me Dennis all because I do not really prefer the other names so me in the guise started asking questions like why do you want us here why did you trap us when you knew that we didn't want to sell our soul Dennis replied well you guys should have thought it was going to be strange that there was no one in that mall and you guys already saw me twice in the third time was in the game don't you think that's kind of asinine I replied as yes it is asinine that we did see you twice at the mall and now you appeared here Noah asked Dennis what do you want from us what did we ever do to you and why would we even want to sell our souls for this game Dennis replied reason why I tricked you guys is because you guys are the only ones that bought the key so quit wasting my time otherwise you're going to be trapped in this game for eternity I told the guys that we need to beat this game I'm already getting the creeps I am already getting a little bit scared of me selling my soul if my aunt was in this game with us she would kick my ass and she would tell me why the hell would I even buy a game like this anyways everybody I was talking back and forth Dennis started to disappear after he disappeared we had to figure out this level there is chains on the ceiling with dismembered body parts attached to them he only gave us one clue before he left the clue was find the key within the bones so we decided to start climbing on top of each other trying to get the dismembered body parts from the chains and check the bones for the keys for the next door for the next level there was one bone in particular that we didn't check because we were overlooking other parts of the body we bypassed when the legs that was still on a chain I went to go grab it and once I grabbed it I found something silver inside of the blood I pulled out what I saw and I told the guys hey I found the key we can get past this level all because now this place is starting to give me the creeps we all heard a creepy laugh from behind us we all turned around and then we saw a shadow figure with red eyes we all started to panic and run towards the door to unlock it to get to the next level once we got to the door the thing started coming after us I went and grabbed the handle of the door and put the key in the lock started to try to struggle to get the key in once I got the key inside the lock I unlock the door everybody was already panicking and pushing me into the door the door flung open we all fell once the door shut we were all asking each other what the hell is going on we found out the guy's name who put us in this game now how the hell are we supposed to defeat him Cody started panicking all because he was hearing something from in front of us and we could not see no more than 5 ft in front of us because of all the lights being off incept for one light all we saw was a bunch of spider webs and Dennis already said the next level had something with eight legs inside that level I was starting to panic all because something was crawling on my back I told Cody and Nathan to check my back see if there was anything on there they hit something off my back and they wouldn't tell me after 5 minutes until Noah told me there was a f****** spider on my back that's when I started to go into in anxiety attack to where I could not breathe I could not see Justin and Austin had a both pick me up and carry me as far as we could go next thing I see is a 30-foot spider right in front of us I passed the hell out they were trying to get me up even knowing Brandon and Nathan we're trying to kill the spider once I woke up it felt like I didn't have no fear at the time I walked up to the spider and started to beat the s*** out of it everybody started helping me out trying to beat the hell out of it with what we can find on the ground once we grabbed the key that was on the box underneath the spider we all had to try to find the door for the next level but we didn't know was the spider was really Dennis/ Dennis has been playing games with us ever since we got to the mall and once we got to the mall I already had a strange feeling about today so after we found the door we all piled out of that room then we were outside once again Dennis showed back up and started saying well you guys are pretty smart but your fear is getting the best of you what happened to Devin will be only a drag on your guys's Journey

Face Your Fears Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt