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But here's what I was thinking why would the devil give us some help is there something we don't know about or is he trying to make it easy for us Nathan Stein ask me how do you know those cars a friendly I responded saying how I can tell if they haven't ran us off the road yet and I looked at their faces there people that we know but after I said that I was still wondering why the devil will give us a fighting chance it was a big confusion for me and the team no one started smarting off to me and he said well if their Friendly's why don't they be leader since they know the game I pulled over and got behind Noah and scared the s*** out of him by ramming him in the rear end of his vehicle and I replied well maybe if you weren't such a f****** prick maybe I could tell you I noticed the two people in those Vehicles they're my friends that are like family to me so if you piss them off Noah I'll let them go at it with you Noah took a big ass Golf and said I'll shut up now I told Noah that seems like the perfect idea Justin asked me how much family do you got I told him I got family all over the place ever since I met you guys I've been evolving my family make it bigger make it better after we had that conversation we got to the next level across the bridge we all jumped out of the cars and I introduced the team to my friends after I introduced the team to my friends I asked my friends what the hell are you guys doing in here we had early release update on the game we've been trying to catch up to you ever since the first level what the hell is going on here I replied my name is Dennis but you all know me by Devin but here's the thing the real me is pretty much the Devil he's been playing my part in the game to make it seem like I'm actually a nice guy but here's the thing I'm actually the real Devon the other Devin is just an infiltrator he's the Devil Himself so we got to watch it there ever comes to a time that someone has to shoot me just to make sure it's me do it after I said that we started getting out of the vehicles and started walking to the next level the next level was way more creepier then all the rest the next level had chainsaws hanging from a building but blood stains all over the window and body parts hanging from those chainsaws I started to question myself the devil has really went all out on this is why the hell does he want us to stay there the tower that we had to go in wasn't no normal Tower I started to question everybody why the hell would the devil bring up these towers these towers have been destroyed since 2001 and made them more creepier Nathan replied honestly this is one of the main levels on the back of the cover before we started the game I was looking on the cover looking at Clues this is one of the main missions it's like 911 all over again I told Nathan at least one of us looked at the back of the cover now we're going to have to survive this s*** you know how many people f****** died everybody replied yes we do but we got to stick together and survive I told everybody let's get into the building find Clues every floor because if it's going down like I think it's going down we want to be on the top of the roof before it happens once we got inside I tried the elevator the elevator didn't work so we had to take the stairs we found a bunch of weapons on every floor we grabbed what we could and started moving upwards I started to hear a plane but it wasn't no normal point it was like a 747 a commercial flight heading towards the building I told everybody rush upstairs now we don't want to be on this floor when that plane hits everybody started running up the stairs I stayed behind just to pick up anybody that fell on the stairs once we got to the roof we saw the 747 getting closer does parachutes on the roof so we grabbed one and jumped off the building before the plane hit as the plane hit my parachute when pull out I was freaking the hell out because I thought I was going to lose a life but once I yank the cord real hard the place you let out I radioed in the Nathan my parachute was stalling all I could hear was static even knowing I could see Nathan in front of me I tried cleaning and closer to get to Nathan to tell him what happened but by the time I got close we were already on the ground so once we got on the ground I told everybody did any of your guys's parachute stall on the chord everybody replied no then they started to question me why I asked that I told then my parents she wouldn't let out until I yanked real hard I was at least 500 feet off the ground before my parachute let up everybody asked me if I was okay I was pretty shaken but I was ready to get on with the next level next thing we see is a big bean and rice from up the smoke I thought in my head what the f*** is that everybody started grabbing their guns and shooting at the demon I was telling everybody Retreat we need to get the f*** out of here now after we got out of there the demon was still following...

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