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That's when I realized the monster had a weak spot on his chest next thing I know is I wrote on another piece of paper and gave it to Nathan to give to the others when they found out what I was planning that's when everybody figured out the weak spot Nathan gave me my AR-15 and I only have one bullet left until I had to put in the next clip everybody prayed on me to kill the son of a b**** 1 size shot I was thinking in my head please don't miss next thing I hear when I closed my eyes was the monster falling down I opened my eyes and all I could see was dust rising from where the monster was when I found that out we all went towards the monster and checked him out Nathan asked me what the hell were we thinking when we bought this game I didn't know my life will be on the line Devin I replied Nathan I'm sorry I didn't know either but now we know what we have to do we got to defeat Dennis And after we defeat Dennis Our Lives will turn back to normal Nathan replied Devin you are like a brother to me and you know damn well that if I thought this was a bad idea I would tell you that this would have been a bad idea from the start but to be honest none of us knew I replied I know and now I'm regretting every little bit of it Dennis told us as we were talking to put on another so you guys are weak ready buying this game well morsels for me I reply okay a****** we will beat this game and we will defeat you no matter what I am tired of your s*** so Dennis if you don't mind show us the way to the first level Dennis replied well Devin not to be rude but that was the first level me and my friends were confused Dennis explained after you said that you didn't want to do tests anymore that's what I started to think about just putting you guys in the first level even though and I said it was a test I replied so you made it seem like it would have test and it really wasn't you know that could have killed us without us being prepared Dennis replied well I didn't expect you guys to kill him right away even knowing you guys are taking heavy fire but to be honest it showed me how you guys work together Brandon replied why do you even want our souls anyways what are you planning Dennis replied I don't want you two Souls all I want to see is you guys succeed even knowing I know one of you guys are a man of God everybody was confused incept for me I knew exactly what he was talking about but no one thought I'd be having God on my side Dennis started talking again so with that said when you guys have powers that were brought with you when you start the game but you guys have to figure out which one of you has the powers the clock is ticking for the second level you guys have to hurry up you're losing daylight and if you don't get there before dark you're as good as dead I started to think in my head what am I doing in this game why did I even think about getting this game anyways God would even be pissed off at me for this why did I even think I'm doing anything today anyways I could have just started playing flight simulator 2019 Edition but no I had to be stubborn and get a new game but my friends don't even know that I'm a man of God and once they find out that I do have the powers then they're going to start asking for my help more often and that's what I'm afraid of Dennis knew that I was thinking heavy and that's when he started to say Devin what are you thinking of I told him none of your goddamn business Dennis replied oh used God's name in vain I replied as quickly as I could so what honestly you shouldn't have even trapped us into this game anyways and besides the point let's just get on with this game I don't want to sit here with you for another f****** second Dennis replied okay okay follow me does a train car that will take you down to the mines of death after you get out of there there will be a car waiting end those going to have to be a designated driver again we all know what that means everybody started looking at me thinking he was targeting me for some reason but they did not know I started to slowly back away and try to figure out a plan of what I was supposed to do and to be honest I had nothing to my mind that would come through it was like a blank page with nothing to write on it and I also felt bad for trapping my friends into this game anyways when I should have just went by myself I knew if my friends would hate me after this game they wouldn't talk to me for years I knew that the consequences behind this game but I didn't want to tell them and to be honest they didn't know that I already knew about the game I was just actually playing along so with all that said I told them I'm sorry for the pain they asked what am I talking about I said I'm sorry for the pain that I brought to you guys in this game Nathan replied what do you mean I reply I mean I'm the one he brought you guys into this mess and I didn't mean to and to be honest Dennis already knows which one of us has the powers and I know you guys might not know but what do I always say when we're back home Justin replied you always say that God is our father we need to treat this world the way he wants us to treat it with no mistakes and no mercy I replied that sounds about right and also we still don't know who has the powers everybody replied we definitely do why didn't you tell us I replied slowly honestly I didn't want to hurt you guys I knew I was going to need help with this game and to be honest now were they deep pile of s*** so after I said that Dennis started laughing and said congratulations now you know which one's the faget I replied quickly okay you bastard unless you want me to f****** help out my friends out of this game so I can deal with you myself I suggest you don't call me any names otherwise I will blast you in the middle of next week Dennis reply quickly as he could okay listen I'm not trying to start a fight

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