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I suggest you guys to stick buy me and listen to what I have to say Devin is not the same person no more not after what happened Nathan started to ask what happened to him why is he like this now Dennis replied knowing me he's looking for Revenge he trapped me in this game for a reason and I haven't been able to contact you guys or anybody else from the outside world until today this is why I've been trying to get you guys to get into the game so you guys can save me yes I know I am completely sorry 4 not letting you guys know sooner at the mall but to be honest he would have done something bad to the world if we stuck around so here's the plan we're going to try to catch up with him and we're going to need a lot of armor and Firepower reason why I told you guys as one designated driver is I knew which one was which I thought when you guys would take the keys and drive for him but obviously I only said for him to drive so any questions Noah replied umm do you know the answer to I'm a weiner Dennis replied you're a wiener all because you don't know better and yeah I already know that joke because I used to pull it on you all the time so if there's going to be fun and games then one of us is going to die Nathan slapped Noah upside the head and told him to quit these games all we have to do is just try to survive we don't need to lose our lives Noah shut up after that Justin questioned Dennis so why didn't you guys tell me about this fucking game sooner otherwise if we would have knew about the game sooner we would have already beat that son of a bitch and we would have already had our own lives back Dennis reply reason why you guys didn't know about the game was Devin didn't want to tell you guys until I was locked away so I'm going to meet you guys at the next level Dennis disappears Nathan asks everybody so who the hell is going to lead this team since Devin went rogue and Dennis is at least trying to help us even though and he's the one who locked us in the game Austin cut Nathan off Dennis wasn't really trying to lock Us in the game after we saw him twice we should have known something was going on Justin start speaking the Devin's the devil in Dennis is Devin if there's ever a choice that we have to kill one of them and the devil tries to take him captive who the hell do we shoot Nathan replies honestly there's only one thing Devin would say and to be honest it's a language that mean him spoke back in the day but I don't know if you remembers it so if he does remember what I say he'll probably just me out but if it's the devil the devil won't understand what I'm saying only Devin knows the true meaning of the language no one else does I think that's our best choice let's start heading out grab all the weapons you can find in the graveyard since Devin I mean sense the devil already cleared our path Nathan & the Gang starts getting closer and closer to next level but there was something wrong they had a feeling that someone was watching them let alone a little child or a little girl because they heard giggling Austin turns back and looks then so does Cody all I saw was a shadow run past real quick Nathan starts freaking out and grabs his gun from his pocket and starts pointing and start saying you better come out before I shoot you I don't play games like this so don't even try little girl comes out saying hi my name is Paris I got trapped in here after the creators of the game got me locked away in captive be decided to put me in the game so I wouldn't Escape once we beat the game I already know all of you you guys are the ones that live two blocks away from me Nathan replies Paris long time no see it's been like 3 months why you doing in this game I understand that you got trapped in here but why didn't you decide the beat the game Paris replies because the last level is unbeatable you need a team to do that if I can help you guys get past all the levels we can all defeat the devil and if you guys need extra Firepower I got some in this garbage can that's in the alley right next to me Nathan replies thank you we're going to need Nathan yells out everybody grab what you can we're going to need a lot of weapons Noah starts digging into the garbage can and find a carbine rifle with extended mag Nathan sound attachments for the AR-15 starts putting them together everybody else grabbed their weapons and Paris said now you guys got the weapons I'll lead you the way just please protect me as best as you guys can I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to lose my life or my soul Nathan said I understand neither do wasps meanwhile ahead of them Dennis stops Devin and says now you let the secret out you know damn well you can't f****** trap me in this game no longer I'm going to find my own way out even if I have to kill you Devin replied hahaha you can't kill me cuz you know damn well I'm way more powerful than you let's just say this after you guys get to last level I swear to God all hell's going to break...

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