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After Dennis said that everybody gasped it started to think Dennis has been in here for a while now why the hell did the devil have to do that to Dennis and Dennis didn't do s*** the deserve to get put in the game the game is a realm of the devils torture but if they can't find a way out then they will have no choice to give up their souls Dennis started to speak guys I know you're scared but we will find a way out of this even if I have to my soul to the devil I'll sacrifice myself if I have to just to save everybody else Nathan replied you don't have to do that all because if he tries to take down one of us he's going to take down all of us that's what you always say in any type of game Dennis started the real life that the people that he brought into the game was his true friends and family after Nathan said that Noah started to ask so after we get done with the game I get the f*** my girlfriend right everybody told him to shut the f****** now wasn't the time the f*** around Austin started to talk to Dennis so what do we do for now on Dennis replied pretty-much fight to survive that's what this game is all about and teamwork now that you guys got me let's just say this I'm done running I've been running ever since I got into college and to be honest it's time for that son-of-a-bitch to pay the price for what he has done to us follow me Dennis told everybody they started walking to the next level but the next level wasn't like all the rest next level with a race but it wasn't just any type of race it was a race to survive but let's just say this Devils demons goblins and evil henchman racing as well so there was competition Dennis told everybody we all have to stick together on this one one of us crashes and dies we lose a life every single one of us that means we're going to have two lives left but let's just say this who's our best driver Nathan replied I am Dennis told Nathan you're going to have to be in the back to protect all of us from behind now who's our stunt drivers Noah and Austin replied we are Dennis told then you guys are going to be in the second row no let me guess the rest of you AR pretty much defensive to where you won't let anybody take the lead Justin Noah and Brandon all replied yes we are Dennis told then you're going to be in the third row write up with me you guys are going to be behind me while I keep the lead so nothing will go wrong the announcer told everybody to get into their vehicles the team got into their vehicles Nathan head up truck with a ram bar in the front but Dennis told him let me take the truck just in case one of those assholes and get in front of me Nathan understood what he was talking about there was no hesitation about it after everybody got into their vehicles we all lined up in our formation the announcer said everybody start your engines after we started our engines I knew something was wrong the announcer said go that's when everybody pushed the gas but the people who we were up against was actual NASCAR drivers so we had more competition then what we thought after we got around the first corner Nathan radio din you guys better watch your back I replied thank you for the heads up couple Racers got in front of me I ran them off the road and killed them both their cars disappeared in thin air as well with their bodies once we got past the finish line it wasn't over we thought there was only going to be one lap but there was only two I was thinking in my head all this can't be too hard we just went through one lap already how hard can this be the track started to change to wear those spikes coming up from the ground Noah almost pissed himself because he almost got killed I radioed in to Noah Noah are you okay he was screaming at me saying no the fuck I ate let me get the fuck out of you I'm tired of this shit I want to go home Austin replied quit fucking complaining keep driving after Austin said that I almost got killed myself buy a wrecking ball the track changed so much to where there was jumps razors and spikes with wrecking balls fall on the track just like the video game Twisted Metal but worse we didn't have no guns on our vehicles we had to use the weapons that we picked up off the ground but if we beat this race we get to keep the vehicles for a little while I told Nathan and Justin they cover me they both got into formation while I was in the lead everybody got into a line of cars to where no one could get hurt couple more Racers started to catch up Nathan tried holding them off but they got through the one thing that scared me was one of the races was not a NASCAR driver one of the races was Devin and he knew my every need Nathan asked what's wrong I can tell something's wrong I replied it's Devin he knew we would be here everybody started saying kill that son of a b**** I replied it's kind of hard to once I said that Devin tried ramming into my vehicle but only spun his self out but not for long you got back into position to catch up...

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