14| Popcorn and Gummy Worms

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Hours later and after what felt like one of the longest days since my life turned upside down, it was time for our movie night. Hannah and I had the futon folded out into a bed, with every single pillow and blanket we owned bundled around us. In front of us were bags of assorted chips, chocolates, and of course, the promised popcorn and sour gummy worms.

I liked this- and I definitely needed it. I hadn't had a night like this since I lived with Mel, and I missed her. I missed her so much.

I liked Hannah though. She was bubbly and nice, and she really was a good friend to me when she's around. Normally, she's working or hanging out with her boyfriend Draedyn, but given what happened in class today she wanted to stay with me.

Hannah poured us both a glass of Rosé, which only added to the cozy atmosphere set with the dim lighting from the string lights and glow of the TV. We couldn't decide on a movie, so eventually we just put on "New Girl," — one of our favorite shows— so that we could talk and still know what was going on.

Hannah asked me a lot of questions, but luckily a lot of them I could be truthful about. When it got to anything too personal, I usually provided her with a vague answer and directed another question her way. She was a great conversationalist, so really it wasn't hard to get her on a new topic. It was concerning me a little bit though how much easier it was becoming to lie; not just to lie, but to lie constantly and to her face. I knew it was necessary, but I'd never been big on lying.

"Anyway... yeah, so that's how Draedyn and I met!" She cooed, wrapping up her story about their "not-so-romantic" meeting at a frat party.

"Wow," I acknowledged, taking a sip of my Rosé. "Sounds like you two are really great together."

She paused for a moment, a look flashing in her eyes that I couldn't quite decipher. "Yeah... he's... he's great. We're good."

"You sure?" I asked. She didn't sound very convincing.

"Yeah—yeah, it's good. He's just been going through a lot lately, and when he drinks he's not always himself, ya know? But most of the time he's great and I do love him."

I didn't want to pry any more into her answer because she seemed like she wanted to move on from the topic, but I'd be lying if I said this wasn't concerning to me. I just hoped that he never laid hands on her or was verbally abusive. "That's good. Just know that if you're ever with him and you need some help, you can call me. I'm here for you."

"Thank you, boo. So what about you? You and Mason seem to be close, huh?" She asked, moving the popcorn bowl into her lap.

"Yeah, he's a good friend."

"Friend? That's all?"

I nodded, "That's all."

"You're not together?" She pressed, seemingly not convinced.

"Nope! We're definitely not together." As I answered I could feel my face starting to tinge pink, and I hoped she wouldn't notice in the dim lighting. I'm not even sure why I was flushed. I think it was from the wine as much as from thinking of Jax and I together. It was a thought that I knew I couldn't entertain, as much as I was beginning to like having him around.

"Well in thaaaaat case... I have a proposition for you," Hannah said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Draedyn's frat is having a party tomorrow night and I told him I'd bring you! I guess one of his friends thinks you're really cute."

I forced a smile. It's always nice to hear that someone thinks you're cute, but the thought of going to a frat party filled me with nerves. Besides, I didn't even think I'd be allowed to go given my current circumstance.

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