38| On the Ice

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"So what did you mean when you said, 'for now,'" Jaxon pressed as we returned from class.

I really didn't feel like explaining at the moment. The English exam we just took was exhausting. Not only was my hand cramping from writing into tiny little blue books, but my head was pounding. Thankfully, it was our last exam... and it was Friday.

I lead us into my empty dorm room, tossing my backpack to the side and settling heavily onto the futon. Luckily, we were clear to have this discussion- Hannah wasn't ever home on Fridays  until later, but still, I was dreading it.

"Come sit down with me," I said, rubbing at my temples, "then we can talk."

"Fine," Jax said, staring at me. "Are you feeling okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah- just a headache. I think it was from writing. I don't like having to look down for that long; it hurts my neck and gives me headaches."

He nodded, putting his bag down and picking up the bottle of ibuprofen on my desk. "Here," he said, pulling the cap off and pouring some into my hands. I took the pills from him, waiting until he handed me my water bottle as well before taking them.

"Thank you," I sighed, closing my eyes as I leaned back against the futon.

"Come here- let me massage it for you," he offered.

"Really?" I asked, opening up an eye to look at him.

"Sure," he said, sitting on the futon. "Sit between my legs."

I wiggled my eyebrows at him in a suggestive manner as I slowly slid off of the futon, settling on the ground between his two large thighs.

"You didn't need to be so damn awkward about it," he chuckled, placing his large hands on either shoulder.

I couldn't help but laugh also despite the pounding in my head. I felt Jaxon's strong fingers begin working the muscles in my shoulders, his thumbs creating a rhythmic kneading motion as they worked their way up and down the center of my neck.

I let out an involuntary sigh as I eased into him. This felt so good. I couldn't remember the last time anyone gave me a massage— let alone anyone with hands as strong and powerful as Jax's.

"Is this helping?" He asked.

"Yeah. Thank you," I replied, my voice soft and relaxed.

"Can you tell me what you meant now?" He pressed, continuing to kneed with his thumbs down my neck and across my shoulder blades.

"You really don't know what I meant?" I questioned. "You and I are together now; we weren't supposed to be, but we crossed the line into unprofessional territory, and now I'm not sure what to do when all of this is over."

"Hmm...," he said, "well, first of all, we don't know when all of this will be over..."

"I know we don't, but eventually, it will be over one way or another- maybe sooner, maybe later, but at some point, your assignment as my bodyguard is going to be over. What happens then?"

"I... I don't know," he sighed.

Ouch. This wasn't what I wanted to hear from him. I pulled away from his magical massage so that I could now sit on the couch beside him. "Okay... I'd be lying if I said that answer doesn't disappoint me."

"I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but I really can't give you an answer right now. I've never caught feelings for a client before, and I don't know how to handle it or what happens when I'm not your bodyguard anymore," he said, running a palm through his dark hair in a flustered gesture.

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