Giant Slayer

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Merco watched Boroxle and his lizard steed disappear into the forest. In an instant, Anu flew up in front of his face. She made an urgent gesture and expression that seemed to say, "Why did you do that?"

Merco squinted at her but shook his head, "Look, I don't know what kind of quarrel you had with one another, but I don't want any part of it. I'm no jailer. Anyway, he's gone now, and I don't have to watch him to ensure he won't attack you."

Anu gestured again, not understanding his words. He shook his head at her and moved off toward the water for a drink.


Anu couldn't believe it. He...he just let the Rogashay go. Just like that! They couldn't let him go! She tried to reason with Merco, but he merely shook his great head and moved away to get himself a drink. Frustrated, she floated down to Traynar who had watched the whole exchange as well.

"He just...let him go." Anu stated with disbelief.

Traynar frowned, "He probably doesn't understand the danger the Rogashay pose to us."

"Although...if Boroxle believes Merco is on our side and will protect us...he'd be a fool to attack Anashee." Anu realized.

Traynar nodded after a moment, "Let's hope that's true."

After getting a drink from the lake, Merco covered what was left of his fish and laid back on the ground. He tucked his leather jacket underneath his head for a pillow and gave a deep sigh before closing his eyes for a nap.


Back in Anashee...

Seraysa. That was Pixie's official name given to her by her family. For the past couple days she and her family had bonded in the city of Anashee. They had yet to return to their home in the forest but with the gates to Anashee closed they were stuck until the travel ban was lifted. But, they were together and that's all that mattered. Seraysa's older brother Verin had been showing her how to harness her magnetic field and float off the floor. Thus far she had shown some promise by floating for nearly a minute. Neither of her parents were exceptional fliers so the likelihood that she would be a flier of note was slim. Still, she was very young and sometimes mastering flying was only a matter of time and practice.

It was evening of the second day when Seraysa and Verin were both walking amid the bustling market that was carved into the northern mountainside of Anashee and spread into the city beyond. Their parents had gone to purchase food for the evening meal and the siblings had decided to go off into the market together to see what there was to see.

Verin led his younger sister through the market. Though he was not familiar with the city of Anashee anymore than she was it didn't stop him from acting confident in the matter. Seraysa discovered her brother was very intelligent and science oriented. In fact, ever since they had rejoined as a family and they were out of earshot of their parents he had talked non-stop about her encounter with Merco; asking hundreds of questions.

"So, when you were with the giant did he ever act like he was fighting the urge to eat you?" he asked randomly.

Seraysa made a face, "No."

"But he does eat meat."


"And he gave you some? Was it a Flasherback?"

Seraysa recalled seeing the ground littered with big golden scales. A Flasherback had green scales according to her lessons, "No. I think it was Gold Scaled Leviathan."

Verin's face lit up, "Are you kidding? I thought that was just a rumor that he was able to kill those! What did it taste like?"

She shrugged, "I liked it. was the first thing I ever ate."

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