thirty one

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The temporary move to Houston was fairly easy. As easy as possible. Texas Children's Hosptial is grand, magical, and full of such genuinely kind-hearted and caring people.
Everly took about a week to get used to her new daycare. Though she is still being challenged due to the fact that she was put into the same pre-kindergarten level that she was in back in Waco, it's not Waco. I love this opportunity and every learning experience I have gained since being here, but it's just not feeling like home yet.
Our entire lives were in Waco. I was just a kid who had a kid, riding on a softball scholarship to get through the first four and a half years. My previous job did everything for me and Everly, they're the reason I could even support her. Our little circle helped raise Everly and now I'm out on my own. We're alone now.
The break up hasn't been easy on either of us, but the move definitely helped keep us distracted. I know Everly misses Olivia more than she says, because I do, and Everly was obsessed with her. I wish I could've done something or said something that could've convinced her to trust me and to trust this.
It's not like I want to move on, but I need to not dwell on the past. She made her decision and I need to make peace with it. I've put too much effort into making a life for Everly and I, that I will not be stopped by something like this. Everly deserves more than that. I just wish Olivia wanted to help build this life with us.
It's been three weeks since the move on the twenty-second of January and things gradually are getting better. I get to shadow cases of children with different types of cancers, learn their treatments, and use what I'm learning to benefit the research that's being done, all while building relationships with the kids, their parents, and the hospital staff. This is by far the best experience I could've hoped for in taking an internship.
I dropped Everly off at daycare and continued on my way to the hospital. We really got blessed with proximity. Lily, a friend from school, offered the extra bedroom in her parents rental apartment to me for the semester while she and I work for this hospital.
Lily usually walks with us to work, but she had to go in earlier today, because she had a huge break in one of her cases. She's a pediatric surgeon intern and is planning on staying here through her residency if they offer a spot to her. I, on the other hand, am hoping they'll offer me a full-time position on their research team. It's amazing. The people are so passionate and insanely smart.
I clocked in and met with my supervisor, then went on about my day. I had a check-in with my favorite kid today. We're not supposed to have favorites, but she makes it hard not to fall completely in love with her.
Grace is a spunky, sweet, and loving eleven year old little girl. She has eyes the size of the moon and a smile that can melt even the coldest heart. She is the smallest little thing with the personality to make up for it. She captured my heart from the moment I saw her.
"Hello, Gracie!" I popped into her room.
"Beth!" She perked up.
"Hey hey, take it a little easy. I heard you had another round of chemo last night." I sat on the edge of her bed.
"That's okay. This one wasn't too bad. I feel fine. We can go for our walk." She started to climb out of the bed.
I gently pushed her to lay back down.
"We can take a walk when you're actually feeling better. Rest. We can always hang out in here." I told her.
She accepted my advice and settled back into her covers.
"No crazy amazing drawings to show me? I haven't seen you since Tuesday, you've got to have something." I smiled at her.
"I do." She nodded and rummaged through the contents of her tray until she came across her sketchbook.
She is an insane artist. The girl could go professional now and make millions off of her work. She's fantastic.
"It's not done, but—" She said as she flipped through the pages.
She turned the sketchbook towards me and revealed a drawing of me. She was drawing me!
"Wow! Grace— I— I love it. It's amazing as always." I smiled as I took the book into my hands.
"I still have to fix a few things and finish the rest, but I'm glad you like it." She smiled at me.
My heart wrenched. She's beautiful. Too beautiful of a soul to be stuck in this room.
"She's been so excited to show you that." I heard a male voice say.
I jumped up and looked toward the door to see her father, Ross, entering the room.
"Hey, Ross. Yeah, no this is amazing. I think you have the next greatest artist on your hands. I don't think it'll be long before the whole world knows Grace Vance." I smiled at him.
"I'm glad you also think so." He touched the small of my back to get to his daughter.
His touches always heated me up. They were always so gentle, never invasive.
I stepped back and allowed him access to her.
I was always so nervous around him, because one he's very good looking, but also a very loved man by everyone in the hospital.
He kissed her on the head, then moved to the chair next to the bed.
I resumed my position on the bed for a while longer, chatting with Grace, then I was finally able to convince her to actually rest with the promise that I'd be back later. I stole Ross away to discuss more of her case in a small board room.
"So, I've been thinking." He said in the middle of our conversation about Grace.
"About?" I urged him to continue.
"You. You've been so great with Grace. She has sparks in her eyes when she's with you. You're a special one. You seem to enjoy spending all this time with her." He smiled genuinely.
"I do. I adore that girl." I couldn't fight the wide grin that came over me.
"I have been trying to work up the courage to do this— would you want to have dinner with me tomorrow night? I know it's Valentine's Day, but I was hoping that someone hadn't claimed your time for that evening yet." He spoke quickly.
I felt the blush fill my cheeks.
"You don't have to, I was just thinking—" He quickly countered himself.
"Yes, I'd love to." I agreed.
"Really?" His eyes glittered.
"Really." I smiled.
He was everything I've ever liked in a man. He's kind, gentle, kid-oriented, caring, and funny.
"So should I just meet you here?" He asked.
"That would be fine, but I have to find someone to watch my daughter first." I nodded.
"Oh, Grace had told me you daughter. Of course. I can grab your number later and we can figure it all out." He nodded.
I smiled, then looked back to my notepad.
"So back to Grace." I changed the subject back to the first matter at hand, which caused him to slightly laugh.
Grace got his smile. And those eyes.
I went back to note taking and explaining our plans for her upcoming treatments.

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