Let's begin

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 There is a young troll sitting on his bed, looking at his phone. He has lived on earth for 3 years. He is a senior in high school. This young troll is exactly the height of 5ft. Which is below average. It is not his fault that somewhere in paradox space whatever mystical being made him decided, "let's make a small ass cranky bitch.". Now this young troll is late for his first day of senior year. He does not care. He has always hated High school. He believes everyone there is an asshole. Well, he's not wrong. His school lives on a pyramid. The most popular and the ones who've gotten laid are at the top. The outcasts who are bullied are at the bottom. This young troll happens to be at the bottom. The highest in ranking is the schools jock, a football player, an actual player. His name shall remain unknown. For as of this moment, he does not have a name. Nor does this young troll. It is time to name him. 

Sir poopsack|

The troll swats you away. He wants you to take this seriously.

Karkat Vantas|

Interesting. The troll boy nods and focuses back on his phone. He does not seem to be interested in you, but you are quite interested in him. His phone beeps. He stands up and looks around his room. He grabs a bag fully of books and folders. It seems it is time for school. 

The journey of Karkat Vantas, the small tro-.

Don't groan at me!! This is a perfect introduction to your first year of high school!! Excuse me?! Ugh fine. How about you do it. Don't give me attitude mister! Whatever! Just go.

Become Karkat Vantas   ==

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