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(1st person pov)

Jade. My best friend. Invited me to a party. She had Rose, my other friend do her weird witch stuff on me. It kinda worked. My head, eye, and leg wounds are healed. Which is nice considering that it hurt like hell. I arrived at Jade's house early. She wanted to make sure I was doing good before the party started. She kept her pillow forts up. Her entire house is a pillow fort. It's been like that... For as long as I've known her. Jade's the fun type. She opens the door. 

"Hey Kinggg!! C'mon in!!" Jade calls me a king when she wants me to feel better. It makes me happy. We enter her tunnel and close the door behind us. We turn a bit and go into the balloon room. She grabs me by my shoulders and sits me down on the couch. She checks my leg, face, and head.

"No bruises!! You're all good!!" She gives me an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"Now go into the kitchen and help Sollux with the food!!" She pats me lightly on the head. I climb into the tunnel that leads to the kitchen. I enter.

"Hey KK good 2 2ee you 2tiill 2tandiing." Sollux waves me over. 

"OH SHUT UP. YOU SUCK FISH DICK." I groan. He ignores me

"Take thii2 and 2et iit up over by the table. Then pour the chiip2 iin2iide the bowl. We have a 2peciial gue2t 2o let2 make iit pre2entable. Jk. Ju2t do a2 ii 2ay 2o we don't argue agaiin." Sollux orders me. I grab the soda's and place them on the table. Sollux tosses me doritos. I open them and pour them into a big blue bowl. 

"ALRIGHT DONE. WHAT DO I DO NOW?" I ask. Sollux snickers

"ii dare you 2 cliimb on the friidge." Sollux says. I raise one eyebrow.

"THATS ALL...? ALRIGHT." I grab a soda and some chips, before climbing on top of the fridge. I sit there for a few seconds. I get uncomfortable. I lay on my back. My head hangs off the edge. My feet gripping the other side of the fridge. I hear the door open. Looks like people are arriving. Sollux pours himself a cup of soda. We sit there for a few minutes in silence. I stare at the wall. It's a wall. Not much to look at. I turn my head an-. Omfg. Dave Strider is at our party? What? What is going on? Why is the happening? I already asked these questions. Fuck. I spit out my soda. It doesn't feel good because I'm upside down. I cover my mouth. Why is he here?!?!

"THIS IS WHAT YOU MEANT BY A '2peiical gue2t'?!?!" I mimic Sollux's lisp. 

"Hey!! Be poliite diickweed!!! iit2 not liike he2 a bad per2on. He 2aved your stupiid a22. Be2iide2  iit2 not liike he2 done anything wrong." Sollux says. He's right.

"I DIDN'T SAY HE DID ANYTHING WRONG, I JUST-." I inhale loudly. Then exhale. I just have some mixed feelings right now. Dave was-. Well. Quite the guy. In 9th grade I had this odd crush on him. All of my friends knew about it. I don't really have a crush on him now. At the beginning of 11th grade I noticed him glancing at me. I literally fell for him, but he started dating John. John is.... an asshole. Since I discovered John's name I feel like any person named John, is dead to me. Besides the point. Then one day. Which happens to be today. Dave just saves me from his boyfriend. Without any word, or any warning. Is it a fairytale or just confusion? Both.

"HELLO STRIDER..." I wipe my mouth. He waves. My heart fucking jumps.

"Hey. I'm glad you're doing okay. How did your wounds heal?" Dave says. His tone is chill. 

"A friiend doe2 wiitch craft." Sollux says. Dave shrugs. He takes a potato chip, and eats it.

(Death note reference )

I take another sip of my soda. Suddenly another person enters the kitchen. Rose. Hey. She stands up then stops dead in her tracks. Dave freezes. What's going on here?

"Hello, David." Rose says. David?!

"Good to see you actually leave your room, sister." Dave says. Sister?!?! The hell is going on?!

Change back to Dave before the creator screams ==>

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