Sequel pt 2

569 18 11

Become Karkat Vantas

Dave whyyyyy??? He grabs the phone back from me and puts the earbuds back in. I hide my face in the seat. I hear the motherfucker snicker. 

"I've heard that saying in bed before." Dave said that a loud. Roxy stops the fucking car.

"You huh?!?!" Their eyes search our gaze. 

"I would've made you a cake. God dammit." Roxy curses and starts driving again. They really could tell we... ya know. I mean the fact that Dave said that kinda proves it. 

"You can make us a cake now. Nothings stopping you."

"Nope!! You either have sex again or no cake."


"Sex. No condom my dudes. Sex=cake. You have sex you get cake. That's why I'm the best sibling ever. Don't disagree with me or you won't get cake at all." Awwwe okay... Dave and I pout in the backseat of the car-cart. Fuck not again (Author.exe has broken down)


Anyway. We arrive at the arcade. The sun is gonna set. I glance into the arcade. Holy shit is that Dance Dance revolution?! 

"DAVE! DAVE!! LOOK!!" I point to the game and jump giddily in the seat.

"Alright fine. I'm gonna beat you though."

"OH ITS ON." For the first time in forever. I see Dave's full expression. Determined. Hot af. I love him so much. I hope he knows that. I kiss him lightly on his cheek and grab him by the  arm. I run over to dance dance revolution. Since this place is expensive as is. The arcade games are free. So you just press a button and it starts. This is gonna be so much fun. I know he won't beat me. Why? Because Alternia has the same thing. Same songs. As a wriggler I memorized all the songs. I would even dance to them when I wanted to. Dave presses forward then selects a song. I hope he's not crazy for picking the hardest one.


"You're looking at the pro. I have this game in my basement." Shit. The game starts. I'm not letting down my guard. I can do this. There's sensors around us making sure we don't cheat.

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The Fast music slows to an end. God I forgot how easy that is. 

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