Karkalicious definition.

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(First person)

Ughhh that was so embarrassing. Why would Jade think that chocolate chapstick would be a good idea?! Why? Why? Why?! Fucking hell. I just fucking made out with the most popular guy in school.... why does that sound like it's from a movie? Idk... Dave has a boyfriend though. Did they break up? Why do I care? Fuck Karkat just shut the hell up. Keep your head down.

"What Game Do You Suggest We Play?" Kanaya says. Dave shrugs. I didn't bring my dnd stuff sadly.

"Anything I don't care." Dave really doesn't realize what he's saying. I shift my eyes to look at him. I quickly look away. Though I can sense him glance. Or that's just anxiety. Probably anxiety. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Internal screaming. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Alright I'm done. I slide my hands down my face and groan silently to myself. Why m-. Okay now that's just not fair. The song that's playing switched to "somebody to love" by Queen. Dammit I love this song but it's so ironic. I flop back wards and start lip syncing the words.

"Perhaps We Could Just Dance? I'm Positive Everyone Has Heard This Song. We Switched To The Queen Playlist. Why Not?" Rose shrugs. Sollux nods. So does Eridan. 

"I'M NOT DANCING." I say. I get up and walk over to the couch. I fall onto the couch. Dave stands up.

" lets dance then." He walks over to the speaker and cranks it up. They start with like this awkward dance. Rose and Kanaya dance together. Eridan and Sollux are chilling. I feel like I'm in an 80's movie. The dancing style is about what you'd see in there. Just when I thought shit was gonna stay awkward... Jade's robots turned on, and omfg they're dancing. This is hilarious. I guess Jade passed out on her way up the stairs. Those robots are cool ngl. Though I'm not really digging the fact that they're a bunch of humaniod tin cans controlled Jade's. One of the robots notices me on the couch and grabs my arm. I'm pulled onto my feet. 

~Music switch: Good old fashioned lover boy~

Oh please help. I do not want to be dancing with a robot. Fuck. The Jadebot and I do this weird dance. We hold each others hands. We step in and our  arms spread to the side. When she step out our arms extend out in front of us. We add a little pep in our step. It turns to like this weird step-skip. When we pick up speed at the second "Oooo La" Jadebot spins and lets go of my hands. I spin into something. I look up and see Dave catching me. "Oooo Lover Boooy." God dammit. Not a romcom. NOT. A. ROMCOM..... STOP FALLING IN LOVE!! We push off each other after realizing what just happened. My face heats up. His turns a bright pink. I scream in my head. 

"I-I uh... you okay?" Dave scratches the back of his head. 

"Y-YEAH. I THINK JADEBOT MALFUNCTIONED FOR A SECOND." I turn to look at Jadebot. She gives me two thumbs up. Oh you bitchsickle. Dumb excuse for a humanoid trash can.


"U-Umm... Wanna dance?" Did... did he really just ask that? He holds out his hand.

"WHAT IS THIS A FUCKING BALL FOR PRINCESSES............? YES. I'LL DANCE WITH YOU...." I slowly take his hand. We do the same dance that Jadebot and I did. Except Dave adds a little more flare. He releases one of my hands and spins me outwards. I know what to do. Don't question my dancing skills. I spin across Dave's arm towards him. He does that thing that humans do where they "dip you". Dave is smirking the whole time. Smug bastard. He holds my in the dip.

"WHAT ARE YOU SMIRKING AT DOUCHE BAG?" I say grumpily. He chuckles a bit.

"Just you? Nothing else." Wooooooww. I'm so whoooed by his failed attempt. Dave lifts me up and dips me the other way.

"YOU'RE A SMUG JACKASS. YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?" My face is probably a bright pink right now... dammittttt.

"Hmmm. Idk. Should I drop the subject or just drop you?" Dave chuckles again.

"YOU BASTARD..." I mumble. Dave and I continue to dance. The songs switch from "Bohemian Rhapsody" to "Don't stop me now." to "Radio Ga Ga." etc...

I went to get a drink but started to feel super weird. Am I drunk? Someone spiked the drinks... fuck. Everyone has been drinking that stuff. Oh shit.

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