Become Karkat Vantas ==>

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(Still 2nd person pov)

You go to get up, but you're pushed to the ground again. You feel your head getting kicked. Soon blood starts to trickle down your head. Who is doing this? Why you? You feel yourself being lifted up by your hair. With the head wound it already stings. You let out a cry. A fist meets your face. It hits your eye. You're dropped onto the concrete again. You look up. It's one of the people at the top of the pyramid. You don't know his name. You've never met the popular kids. You try and avoid gossip. He kicks your face. Fuck that's gotta hurt. Blood drips down your nose. You feel yourself almost passing out. You're snapped back to consciousness by a knee digging itself into your stomach. You cough blood out. A faint creaking noise comes from the distance. You wipe your nose. 

"Dave!! You're here!!" The boy beating you up shouts. Who the fuck is Dave..? Wait. Is he the...? The allmighty. The Jackass who basically runs the school. A tall, tan, whiteish-blonde, weirdo with shades walks past the other boy. He walks up to you. You can't see his expression. It's blank. The shades kinda make is hard. He doesn't even say anything. Just stares at you for a second. He. Dave. Picks you up off the ground. He wraps his arm around your back. You try and stand up, but your right leg is bleeding. That other boy must have hurt it without you noticing. Dave walks you to his house? Are you being spared or something? Why? What is happening? The blonde looks at you. He looks at you in. You guess pity. 

"Let's get you patched up. Sorry about John." Says Dave. So that guys name is John. That still doesn't change the fact that the most popular, most feared, yet charming, guy in school is helping you? He opens the door and walks you inside.

"Dirk can you get the first aid?" Dave says. No answer.

"Alright kid I guess we're going to have to go to the school." He picks you up. This time he wraps an arm across your back. He holds you to his chest. He puts his other arm under your ass. Like a child. He wraps your  legs around his waist. So he's carrying  you like a child. That's what's happening.

(There was no way to describe that  normally.)

He carries you out of the house and down the street. When you arrive at the school no one is outside. You're really late. He takes you in the school. Get ready for the embarrassment. Oh. No one is in the hallways. So you're sa-. The bell rings. Fuck. Dave starts full ass sprinting down the hall. Yeah you understand that he probably doesn't want his ego ruined by a tiny mutant troll. Candy red isn't the best color to have seeping through your cuts. He turns into the main office and passes the rooms. The bright white walls of the nurses office catch your attention. They must have repainted them. The walls were yellow before. 

"Oh dear!! Please set him down here!!" You hear the nurse say. You feel yourself being placed on the cold nurses office beds. They're made of leather. The pillows are covered in paper. The room becomes more visible as Dave places you down.

"Can you tell me what happened to him?" The nurse says. She grabs the first aid kit from the cabinet. 

"He was getting beat up. I wasn't able to get his backpack but I brought him here." Dave says leaning on the wall. The Nurse begins wrapping your leg and head. Your bloody nose stops.

"He must have really gotten hit because he's covered in blood." The nurse  wipes your face with a wet wipe. You feel so useless. You haven't said anything. Not even a thank you. You can't even move.

"Yeah... not everyday I see someone with a weird brown looking blood color." Is he color blind? Is it the shades? Probably the shades. The nurse looks at him with a very concerned look. He doesn't seem to notice.

You feel yourself drifting off. 

Not yet.


At least say something.


"T-Thank.... You-u..." you manage to whisper before passing out. Wow. What a great first day.

Karkat Drift Off ==>

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